Neil Sawyer and his buddy joined Captain William and First Mate Alex on the Wanderer for a day of fishing that would produce a very rare and elusive species: the Blue Jack Crevalle. This fish occupies the same reef shelf as it’s more common silver colored brethren yet is much more reclusive and is usually hesitant to emerge from the reef to strike.

Sometimes in fishing you get things you can’t explain and such big Blue Jacks hitting on surface-bobbing topwater plugs is a bit mysterious. Neil wasn’t concerned with an oceanography lesson cause when the lines popped off the South Carolina angler had the skills to put this Blue Jacks on ice.
They followed up with a few more standard-issue Jack Crevalles and these boys are sitting on enough sushi to stay fed well into 2012.

Excellent work on a unique fish by Neil Sawyer and the mighty Wanderer.