The Wanderer and Master Captain William performed beautifully on January 26 with a nice stack of Dorado scores.
Author: FishingNosara
January 26, 2023
On the 26th the Explorer and David Spivak scored several nice Dorados, including BIG one!
January 25, 2023
The mighty flagship Wanderer and angler Ben Shelton nabbed a beautiful pair of big Dorados.
January 25, 2023
A quick morning romp on the Adventurer on January 25 yielded this nice White Tuna.
Brunch, anyone?
January 25, 2023
David Spivak’s group scored an awesome Sailfish release on January 25. Check out this beauty:
January 24, 2023
The Harvester was excited to host Matthew Kraeuter’s family for a day of big fish and big smiles.
It’s always a treat to see young anglers get a taste of blue water fishing, espcially when the fish coopoerate! The mega panga released three Sailfish and delivery a bunch of filets for the dinner table.
January 24, 2023
Members of Raul Otero’s group joined Captain Antonio on the Explorer for a great fishing romp on January 24.
The rest of the Otero Group has been scoring Dorados, but on this trip they added some tasty Yellowfin Tunas to the filet bag. They also replenished their Dorado stocks later in the trip:
January 24, 2023
The Discoverer welcomed Raul Otero, Scott Anderson, Gregg Baran, Larry Smith, and Rolando Rodriguez on January 24th. The big battleship dueled with a swarm of super Sailfish.
After the safe releases, the crew filled up the icebox with Yellowfin Tunas and Dorados.
January 23, 2023
Our very good friend Raul Otero has returned to Nosara, flanked by his posse of excellent Tampa Bay anglers. On the 23rd, they took the Explorer and filled up the fishbox with tasty Dorados.
January 23, 2023
On January 23, Ben Shelton’s group had a very productive day on the Discoverer with a bunch of Dorado action.
This much catching can build up an appetite, so these North Carolina anglers chowed down on fresh sushi on board.