July 30, 2012

Our new friends Dan and Darlene Houser turned in a fantastic performance today on the Wanderer, posting three total Sailfish releases including the very challenging Double Header Sailfish release!

The solo Sailfish came tearing through the flagship’s spread around 11am and Dan brought him home like an old pro. Check out the colors on this behemoth:

When not working over big billfish, Dan works in the upper ranks of the world of auto racing. Still I’ll bet he’s never seen a photo finish like this one.

These twin racers took the checker at 1:20pm and clearly Team Houser was stoked…I wouldn’t be surprised if Captain William burnt a few doughnuts on the way back to Garza.

Nice safe billfish handling by First Mate Alex to ensure the safe release of all three fish as usual.

Great work by Dan and Darlene on the unbeatable Wanderer!

July 26, 2012

Adam Peacock brought the whole family along for a fish-filled trip on the mighty Wanderer. Citing the short 2.5hr timeframe and some tough offshore conditions, Captain William chose to keep the flagship inside on the very fruitful reefs at Pincha Padre.

This young lady scored first with a nice-sized Wahoo in the fishbox. Shortly thereafter came this little White Tuna which is every bit as tasty as it looks.

The highlight of the morning was this gigantic Amberjack which weighs at least 30lbs. This was Mrs. Peacock’s fish from the strike to the fight to the fishbox…you go girl!

Once again the Wanderer delivers a safe, fun fishing adventure for the whole family.


July 25, 2012

Guess who’s back???

This long cool woman in a black dress danced with the Wanderer and client John grabbed the reel and changed up the tune.

While she isn’t the biggest Black Marlin we’ve seen by a long shot, this 200+lbs. lady is a welcome sight for our eyes; the Marlin have been scarce since May and we weren’t sure how long until we’d dance again.

Great release by First Mate Alex and the unbeatable Captain William fresh off his injured foot; let’s hope this is a sign of Marlin resurgence as we approach the end of the season.

July 24, 2012

Oklahoma angler Scott Terrell and his lovely lady were blessed with a pair of Sailfish released today on the mighty Wanderer with Captain William back on he helm. These Sails came in hot and heavy and it took all the flagship could muster catch these monsters

Both of these sailfish put on acrobatic shows of stregth, but the shimmering blue Wanderer overpowered the billfish as it her habit. Of the five strikes on the trip, this posse released three Sailfish.

Great work by these midwesterners! “We’re only singing you’re doing fine Oklahoma…Oklahoma, OK!”

July 23, 2012

Katherine Fanning and her wonderful family from South Carolina took to the seas on the powerful Wanderer for a 5 hour half day trip and the Sailfish were thick as theives when they arrived at the fishing grounds.

The first two Sailfish were nearly back to back, with Dad’s release (above) coming at 10:19am and the young Mr. Fanning’s release time-stamped at 10:57am.

The third and final Sailfish belonged to little brother, and the look of excitement on his face while reeling in this monster says more than words.

Great performance by this Columbia-based fishing family and the legendary FishingNosara flagship Wanderer!

July 22, 2012

Our new friends Terrance and Brittney are back in Nosara and scheduled a nice half day trip with our buddy Jeff Grosshandler and Captain David on the Explorer. It was a day filled with action with nice catches of Ponpano and Cierro Mackerel.

Jeff made a new friend on the casting platform and Brittney seemingly couldn’t wait for this tasty Cierro Mackerel to hit the sushi tray.

It was a great trip with lots of fresh filets to go around. Three different species should make this week one of delicacies and decadence for this newly-engaged NY couple.

July 20, 2012

Jenny Brown and her buddies booked a quick morning 2.5 hour trip this morning and the Wanderer found hot action for the duration of the trip. They group caught five Bonitas, then rigged up one of them with hooks and sent it swimming deep.

 An immediate massive strike wowed the anglers, and once this 45lbs. Rooster fish surfaced everyone was thrilled.


First Mate Alex carefully captured, photographed, and released the fish with little stress and we look forward to catching this beauty again.


It’s been a record season for Rooster fish releases, and this may be one of the nicest ones yet. Great work!

July 19, 2012

Morgan Trible has done it again! He earned his third enshrinement to the FishingNosara Hall of Fame on July 19 with a ridiculous 5 Sailfish released on the Wanderer. The action started early and never stopped with released reported at 9:30am, 10am, 11:30am, 1:16pm and 2:30pm.

We’ll let the pictures do the talking:

This action can only be described as World-Class, and the performance turned in by Morgan Trible, Richard Harris, and the rest of the group is cer

We bid farewell to Morgan for now, but we know that it won’t be long until this Virginia-based Hall of Famer is back in Nosara to experience more of the best sportfishing in Costa Rica.

July 18, 2012

Craig Sutton, Jr. came to Nosara to celebrate his birthday with his new fiancee Erica and found some time to get on the water with Captain David on the Explorer. With Carlos serving over on the Wanderer, it was up to Craig to function as angler and first mate for the unstoppable Super panga.

After missing on an early strike, the team recovered with a Double Header Sailfish release around 10:30am. Craig had to fight the first fish from a stationary boat as Captain David cleared the lines with one hand and hooked the second fish with his other hand.

“I’ve caught a lot a Sailfish, but this was the first one that talked to me,” Craig later commented. “He covered 25 feet in a single jump and it was all I could do to keep the line from falling into the water.”

After a quick release shot Craig billed the second fish; though not the behemoth of the first one, you can tell from the strain on Craig’s face that this fish was also a serious beast.

Like any good future husband, Craig also stopped to pick up dinner on the way home in the form of this nice 15lbs. Bluefin Tuna. 

July 18, 2012

Brad Hrebenar, David Marino and the rest of their Texas posse booked the Wanderer for a half day trip with outstanding results. With Captain William still on the injured list, command of the flagship was temporarily bequeathed to Captain Carlos of the Adventurer joined by mate-in-training Francisco.




New faces in new places, but the result is the same for the mighty Wanderer: This group released four excellent Sailfish and had a nice White tuna for the dinner table.




Take a look at this little guy; estimated at 50lbs. this adolescent Sailfish is more reminecent of a full-grown Atlantic Sailfish. Give him another year or so and this beastie will be bigger than Francisco.



Young billfish like this require even more gentle handling and we are glad to report this fish (like all billfish we catch) was safely released.

Captain Carlos also reports that he had a Marlin on a teaser, but “he will eat next time.” The Marlin have been scarce since May, but as long as the Sailfish are around it seems that everyone is all smiles.