Behold the ocean-to-table action that can be found in Nosara!
Vid by Adam Van Tassell, featuring fishing on the Adventurer and dining at Pacifico Azul.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
Behold the ocean-to-table action that can be found in Nosara!
Vid by Adam Van Tassell, featuring fishing on the Adventurer and dining at Pacifico Azul.
The 23-foot Adventurer scored this amazing Wahoo in early March.
They also cleaned up inshore with a nice variety of reef creatures.
Dane Becker joined the Adventurer on February 24 for an excellent day of catching
The Adventurer and angler Matthew Groff scored some wonderful Rock Snappers on February 12.
Larry Kowalski joined the Adventurer on February 11 and scored some nice Rock Snappers.
The Adventurer nabbed a tasty Rock Snapper on February 10th.
On February 7, the Adventurer and angler Quentin Woodhead stayed inshore and gathered some tasty inshore critters; check out these Rock Snappers:
The Adventurer brought home a tasty Yellowtail Snapper on February 5 with angler Tom Fox.
The Adventurer delivered this tasty White Tuna on February 4.
The Adventurer had a nice trip on January 31 with a lovely Rooster Fish release.
For the filet bag they added a beefy Jack Crevalle and a Cierra Mackerel.