July 8, 2012

The Wanderer‘s smooth ride, spacious interior and family-friendly crew make her the first choice for family fishing trips. Katherine brought her two boys along for a 2.5 hour inshore trip and they returned to shore with four small Dorados and two big smiles!

Captain William is a great father and along with First Mate Alex they do an outstanding job of teaching the craft of sportfishing to youngsters.

More importantly they create a safe and fun atmosphere so all anglers can relax and enjoy the trip. Great work all around!

July 8, 2012

Jacksonville anglers Jesus Pulido and Dianne Gregory has an outstanding trip on the Wanderer today. Dianne got things going early with this beautiful Pacific Sailfish release around 9:30am.

Great release by First Mate Alex on this true fish of a lifetime!

This posse then set about filling the fishbox with fresh filets and found these excellent Yellowfin Tunas in a school offshore. They had several simultaneous hook-ups and ended up with four monsters on ice, plus they added a Dorado for good measure.

Clean-up, needed in the fish department.”

Once again the Wanderer turns in an off-the-charts for this Duval county group on just a 5 hour half-day!

July 7, 2012

Our new friend Charles Mark Perdue joined Captain David and Mate Carlos on the famous Explorer for a 3/4 day trip, however the action was so intense that he extended his trip to a full day once they got out to the fishing grounds.

We’ll let Mr. Perdue tell the story:

“Craig, thanks again!!ย  Fishing with your group was the highlight of my brother’s trip to Costa Rica. Two of my brother’s caught a Sailfish and one caught a small Dorado. ย My Brother-in-Law caught a sail as well. ย What was great about the experience, is my 3 brothers had never been off-shore fishing except in a big party boat. ย So, needless to say…they were really excited when they got to land sailfish!.”

“David and Carlos, were very good and patient.ย  We stayed out longer….we were having so much fun. I may be down again the week before X-mas and if so, I will book another day or two with you guys.”

July 7, 2012

Dave Priddy followed up his Sailfish release with another two behemoths today. These fish came calling at 9:40 and 10:30 respectively, and neither one could match the mighty Wanderer with Dave on the reel.

The second fish was potentially a double-header but his hunting buddy escaped.

As the half-day trip came to a close they added this tasty Wahoo estimated to weigh between 12lbs. – 18lbs.

Great work all around by David Priddy and the flagship Wanderer.

July 6, 2012

Our new friends Terrance Karnal and Brittney Niccole joined our old buddy Jeff Grosshandler for a magical half-day offshore with Captain William on the Wanderer.ย This deadly duo of New York anglers laid the smack down on a nice Sailfish.

Nice work by Mate Carlos (on loan from the Explorer / Adventurer) on the safe capture and release of this fish.

Get a load of these well-dressed anglers! You know the old saying in NYC, “either you’re City, or you’re country.”

July 5, 2012

Chris Porter joined Captain David on the Explorer for a 6.5 hour trip today and he came up with some BIG Yellowfin Tunas. The coral green water was no deterrent to the Super panga as Mr. Porter returned to shore at the end of the day with four beefy Yella Fellas.

The hordes of 40+lbs. Yellowfin Tuna are in town and with any luck should remain in the area for the rest of the season.

July 4, 2012

It was fitting that on Independence Day we welcomed anglers from the Washington, DC area for an offshore war with the Pacific Sailfish. Dave Priddy hails from a small town in Maryland just a few miles from the Potomac River and from the nation’s capitol.

Captain William pointed the Wanderer offshore towards the blue water and the fireworks started early for the Priddy posse.ย 

They had three Sailfish strikes and managed to catch two of them. Great work by Dave on the reel and First Mate Alex on the safe release of these Sailfish.

The boys also caught a 40lbs. Yellowfin Tuna and lost a MASSIVE Yellowfin estimated to weigh over 100lbs.

It’s about this time of year when we see BIG Yellowfin Tunas down here so it is nice to hear that they are back.

July 2, 2012

Daniel and his son had a near perfect day on the indestructable Explorer today with lots of fish filets for the fridge plus a trio of Rooster releases for the trophy mantle.

The day began with three tasty Rainbow Runners (also called Rainbow Tunney) and a nice Ambejack. Then they hit paydirt with this first of three Roosters:

They also caught 10 Dorados over 10-15lbs+ for the dinner table. Great well-rounded half day from Captain David and the Explorer.

July 1, 2012

James Petter brought the whole family for a quick 2.5 hour trip on the Wanderer. They stayed inshore and caught an array of fish including some small Dorados, tasty White Tunas, and a big ole Jack Crevelle.

Another super family outing on the Wanderer; everyone caught fish and got hooked up with big smiles!

June 30, 2012

Happy birthday to Steve! He got the best gift a man can ask for this year…a trip on the famous Wanderer with Captain William and First Mate Alex. They headed offshore and followed this pod of porpoises out to the blue water break.

The Sailfish were waiting out there in the nutrient rich blue water and they were hungry! The Wanderer‘s spread endured several attacks but stood strong and counter punched with a pair of Saillfish hook ups.

One got away, but his hunting buddy admitted defeat and shook hands with Steve after the battle.

Great work by the birthday boy on the big blue buoyant beauty!