We are in the home stretch on the construction of Casa Bianca. The crew has started to install the ceiling lighting. They are also perfecting the wood-to-concrete mating along the ceiling.

They also are framing and installing the windows. A titan of a task for sure!

Here you can see the first course of windows completely installed.

The exterior is looking gorgeous, and on the inside the fixtures are starting to take shape. Here is the pedestal for the bathroom sink:

The kitchen counterspace has been completely formed and cured.

Now is our chance to see the black tile that will serve as the countertop and backsplash.

The white walls, grey tile, and black accents look great together. Trust me that there wasย a lot of consternation over this decision, but so far we are pleased with the result.

It’s amazing what this crew has accomplished in five short months. Casa Bianca is a testament to the power of hard work and cooperation.

Off-site, three of the four exterior doors have been completed. Each of these handcarved masterworks with be a perfect ‘Welcome Home’ for our guests.