Josh Osbourne group is dead-set on squeezing the last bit of juice from the 2023 fishing season.
They joined the Wanderer on September 5 and scored three Yellowfin Tunas and two Dorados.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
Josh Osbourne group is dead-set on squeezing the last bit of juice from the 2023 fishing season.
They joined the Wanderer on September 5 and scored three Yellowfin Tunas and two Dorados.
The Discoverer closed out the season on August 26 with a very productive trip with Jean Fortin’s group.
A nice Dorado was backed up with a stack of Yellowfin Tunas on ice.
The Wanderer welcomed Elsa Bandich’s group on August 22. They had a big day with multiple Sailfish releases.
They also added a big Dorado for the dinner table.
Rob Coxey kept scoring with the Explorer in late August. A little rain didn’t stop this Jacksonville-based legendary angler.
The Wanderer welcomed angler Paul Gedenberg on August 20 for a productive trip to the meat market.
This MONSTER Yellowfin Tuna was backed up with a BIG Dorado.
On August 17 the Explorer and Rob Coxey kept up their fishy ways with more Dorado scores.
On August 16 the flagship Wanderer welcomed angler Cris Lull for a great day of blue water action.
They scored a massive pile of Yellowfin Tunas and then added a Dorado for the dinner table.
Micheal Keller’s finished up his week of fishing on August 16 on the Harvester with an awesome Blue Marlin release:
They also added a tasty Dorado for the dinner table.
Captain Carlos had a brilliant performance on August 16. Check out this wonderful Blue Marlin release:
They also scored a wonderful Rooster Fish release:
They didn’t come home empty-handed thanks to this nice Dorado:
Michael Keller’s group got off to a hot start on August 14. The Discoverer scored a pair of Sailfish releases, plus added Dorados for the dinner table.