It is a true delight to welcome back Captain Don Dingman and his crew from Hook the Future for a week of fishing and fun. He has some great kids lined up for educational fishing excursions later in the week, but on Don’s first day he and the crew got themselves re-acquainted with the big Pacific Sailfish.

The first big Sailfish came early, just before 9am. Captain Don brought her home for a quick release and set her free.
With the ice broken, the Hook the Future team broke out the cool camera toys and shot some extremely awesome footage. When the second Sailfish came it at 11am, Captain Don strapped up the GoPro HD Headmounted camera and got up close and personal with this beauty.

As 1pm approached the bite intensified, and this time is was Rebecca’s turn to land a marine monster. She was apt on the reel and brought this big girl home in no time flat. Excellent fishing by this Jacksonville angler!

Around 4pm yet another big beast ripped up the spread and this time Conrad the cameraman got to step out from behind the lens and boat a beautiful beast. Rebecca subbed as camera operator and Captain Don coordinated the release of this fourth Sailfish of the day.

The fifth and final Sailfish of the trip came just before lines out at 5:20pm. This was the biggest fish of the day by far and gave Conrad the chance to break-in his new waterproof pole camera.

The fish obliged the camera by putting on a heck of a show on it’s way to a safe release.
Check out more videos from Captain Don and his personal account of this trip at the Official Salt Life Blog. Pura Vida!