April 25, 2012

Susan and James Lewis have been burning the candle at both ends in Nosara this week. They fished on the Explorer, Adventurer, and Wanderer plus joined Javier for the exotic Horseback Mountain Tour.

The highlight of their fishing adventure was this massive Sailfish released with Captain William on the Wanderer. The winds were blowing hard and made offshore fishing a bit difficult, but the mighty blue beauty stood her ground against the wind and still managed to hook up this nice fish.

Great work by a fellow Jacksonville angler on the flagship Wanderer.

April 23, 2012

Chris Meade and his friends came to Nosara with the singular purpose of catching massive billfish, and we are stoked to report a record-setting day for this group from New York. They selected Captian William, First Mate Alex and the famous Wanderer to show them the way to the promised land.

How many billfish could they fit into a 5 hour half day trip? Let’s find out:

The first Sailfish came charging into the spread at 12:15pm and was released at 12:30pm which is a typical fight as long as the right angler, crew, and tackle are brought to bear on the feat. The second Sailfish wasn’t far behind and he was released at 1:0opm.

A third Sailfish reared its bill and once again Chris Meade’s group was up for the challenge. This predatory pelagic was released at 2:20pm

The highlight of the trip was this gorgeous Marlin released at 3:30pm. It bucked and barrel rolled on the way to boat, but Captain William acted quickly to de-tangle the fish while Alex kept her calm and steady.

What a beautiful specimen! Team Meade wasn’t satisfied, and they would close out the day with another pair of Sailfish releases at 4:03pm and 4:50pm.

Talk about squeezing every ounce of fishing out of a 5 hour trip…this is clearly a half-day for the ages!

April 21, 2012

Tyler and Emily Patterson won the Full of Bull Redfish Tournament last year and part of their prize included a half-day of fishing on the famous Wanderer. Captain William and First Mate Alex were primed to show these Jacksonville anglers the best fishing that Costa Rica has to offer.

The highlight of the trip was this excellent Sailfish release by Emily. Great work as always by the crew to ensure the safe release of this beautiful fish.

“We just got back Monday night after 7 awesome nights in Nosara.ย  Craig, your staff down there is amazing…Arturo is by far the most friendly and caring person I’ve ever met.ย  Manual, Javier, Eduardo, the cleaning staff, and William and Alex on the Wanderer were superb too!”

” We ended up going 2 for 10 on sails, my first ever landed, the other was pushing 100lbs!ย  I will absolutely do all that I can to spread the word on fishing the tournament next year and recommending Nosara Paradise Rentals to anyone planning a trip to Costa Rica.ย  Thanks again and it’s incredible that all of that happened because of a $50.00 redfish tournament.”

-Tyler and Emily Patterson

April 20, 2012

The VenHousen family finished their four days of fishing on the Wanderer with their best day yet.ย  Yesterday Grandpa got a bucket-liss-caliber Sailfish, so it was fitting that the youngest VenHousen match her Papi with a great Sail of her own!

Our Captains and crews are all family men who are very good with children. They make sure that every age has a fun, safe and memorable trip. Once this Sailfish took off the family pitched in and brought her alongside for a safe release.

Once she was swimming free, it was Mommy and Daddy’s turn for some bill collecting.

Check out the his and hers Sailfish releases to cap off a great week in trip Costa Rica:


April 18, 2012

Mike Grosshandler and the Explorer fight a wonderful Sailfish. Check it out:

This fish put on quite a show, but was not the only monster to invade the Explorer‘s spread. Three seperate Marlins came shopping but the Grosshandler boys couldn’t bring the hooks home.

The next day Uncle Art released this very nice Sailfish, estimated to weigh between 110lbs. and 140lbs.

April 17, 2012

Team VenHousen went back-to-back multiple sailfish days on the Wanderer on their second of four trips. Look at this trio of Pacific Sailfish released by this family from the Badger state:

Amazing job by Captain William to hunt these babies down and by First Mate Alex to coordinate the safe release of these majestic creatures.

They had five Sails interested in the spread and totaled three releases; that’s a great catch ratio! Plus they added this nice Dorado for the dinner table:

The VenHousen family has two more days booked on the mighty Wanderer this weekend so look out for more great catches.

April 16, 2012

John VenHousen brought his wife and daughter down to Nosara from Wisconsin and booked the family-friendly Wanderer for several 6.5 hour fishing trips.

Captain William took the Wanderer 20 miles off-shore to find good clean blue water. First Mate Alex deployed the spread at 11:30am and at just past noon the first big monster came calling. Mrs. VenHousen seized the reel and brought this beauty all the way in for a clean release.

At 1:30 another acrobatic Sailfish attacked and put on an amazing show for the VenHousens. Look at this girl fly!

John won back line from the beast and added the second Sailfish release of the day. Great start to a full week of fishing for these Wisconsin anglers.

April 15, 2012

It is a true delight to welcome back Captain Don Dingman and his crew from Hook the Future for a week of fishing and fun. He has some great kids lined up for educational fishing excursions later in the week, but on Don’s first day he and the crew got themselves re-acquainted with the big Pacific Sailfish.

The first big Sailfish came early, just before 9am. Captain Don brought her home for a quick release and set her free.

With the ice broken, the Hook the Future team broke out the cool camera toys and shot some extremely awesome footage. When the second Sailfish came it at 11am, Captain Don strapped up the GoPro HD Headmounted camera and got up close and personal with this beauty.

As 1pm approached the bite intensified, and this time is was Rebecca’s turn to land a marine monster. She was apt on the reel and brought this big girl home in no time flat. Excellent fishing by this Jacksonville angler!

Around 4pm yet another big beast ripped up the spread and this time Conrad the cameraman got to step out from behind the lens and boat a beautiful beast. Rebecca subbed as camera operator and Captain Don coordinated the release of this fourth Sailfish of the day.

The fifth and final Sailfish of the trip came just before lines out at 5:20pm. This was the biggest fish of the day by far and gave Conrad the chance to break-in his new waterproof pole camera.

The fish obliged the camera by putting on a heck of a show on it’s way to a safe release.

Check out more videos from Captain Don and his personal account of this trip at the Official Salt Life Blog. Pura Vida!