July 27, 2011

Captain David of the Explorer is one of the most well-rounded boatmen that Garza has ever seen. As a lifelong resident of the area and close friend/family to all of the other Captains, this man was literally born to fish these waters.

David joined his brother Vibert Wingrove for a charter on the Secret Spot and served as a top-notch first mate. Despite some threatening weather and choppy seas, they still had a bunch of action. Check out this excellent Rooster fish they delivered for the clients:

Great fishing (and photos) by Captain Vibert Wingrove and excellent work by David Barrantes!

April 13, 2011

A few weeks back while pre-fishing for the Ship of Fools Tournament, I asked Captain David Barrantes of the Explorer if there were any other area captains who he didn’t like. See in Florida we get really competitive with other boats, especially during tournament time.

David looked at me like I was crazy and laughed off the question. “Matt, we are all friends on the water.”

Captian David Barrantes

Sure enough, these guys really look out for each other. From sharing the location of good fishing spots to giving away excess bait, the Ticos of Garza bay are family first, fishermen second.

It is no surprise then that when longtime FishingNosara mate Vibert Blanche, Jr. received his own boat, the Secret Spot, that Captain David joined him for an afternoon trip to help shake down the new craft.

David and Vibert shared the duties of rigging, gaffing, and angling like old friends. I imagine that seeing these two titans of Garza fishing in the same boat scared the bejezzus out of the fish, and with good reason.

David on the Gaff Shot

Vibert on the Gaff

By the end of the trip they had caught several nice Yellowfin tunas and this beautiful Roosterfish.

Vibert and Yellowfin Tuna

Costa Rica Roosterfish

Though the Secret Spot is not currently a part of the FishingNosara fleet, we wish young Vibert the best of luck on his new boat…after all “We are all friends on the water.”

Costa Rica Roosterfish