Behold the ocean-to-table action that can be found in Nosara!
Vid by Adam Van Tassell, featuring fishing on the Adventurer and dining at Pacifico Azul.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
Behold the ocean-to-table action that can be found in Nosara!
Vid by Adam Van Tassell, featuring fishing on the Adventurer and dining at Pacifico Azul.
On March 7, the Wanderer welcomed our good friend Steve Mears. They scored a fantastic Wahoo backed-up with a nice Yellowfin Tuna.
The 23-foot Adventurer scored this amazing Wahoo in early March.
They also cleaned up inshore with a nice variety of reef creatures.
The Wanderer scored wonderful Wahoos and super Sailfish releases on March 5.
Steve Mears collected an array of sweet catches with the Explorer.
This Sailfish release was backed-up with a filet bag full of Wahoo, Yellowfin Tuna, and Jack Crevalle.
The Harvester and angler Jeffery Stein enjoyed a big blue water bite on March 1.
Several superb Sailfish releases were backed-up with a monster Wahoo for the dinner table:
Kelly Russ joined the Explorer on February 21st with a fantastic Sailfish release backed up with a pair of tasty Wahoo for the dinner table.
The Explorer was joined angler Carol and Steve Shepard on February 16 and scored a pair of MONSTER meat fish.
The giant Yellowfin Tuna was backed-up with an equally impressive Wahoo.
Master Captain William welcomed Carol and Steve Shepard’s group to the Wanderer on February 12 for a great day of offshore action.
They released this big Sailfish, then brought home dinner with this HUGE Wahoo:
Henry Wollam had a great trip with the Explorer on February 7. They scored a wonderful Wahoo backed up with a super Sailfish release.