Catherine Chase and Ron LaGro have been fishing with us since 2009, and the Wanderer always performs when they take to the blue water. Click this link to check out their prior trips; these two are pulled off the first Double Sailfish release!
Anyways, their trip on January 15 produced the baddest Black Marlin of the season so far…take a look at the shoulders on this gorilla:
Let’s watch from the hook-up to the release:
Ron LaGro fought the Black well, allowing it to tire itself out deep rather than allow it to put on an aerial display.
The fight was short and efficient and Alex executed a perfect release as usual.
Later in the day Catherine scored on billfish with this lovely Sailfish release.
Ron countered with a Sailfish release of his own to finish off the trip.
Amazing work by the flagship Wanderer and these super-angler clients.