February 21, 2013

Another great catch reported by Captain Carlos of the fearless Adventurer! Our buddy Bill headed out for a brief 2.5 hour trip and hauled in this very respectable Red Snapper estimated to weigh over 20lbs.

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This is a heckuva good eatin’ fish and a good sign that last year’s legendary Red Grouper bite may be on it’s way back.

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Recall that in the Spring of 2012 we had a massive influx of this tasty species and I am sure that all of the Captains would love to welcome them back to the fishboxes.

February 19, 2013

Rich Binnell and his son had a day of big smiles and fun action on the 23 foot Adventurer with Captain Carlos. The fish were gigantic by any stretch, but the small Snappers and White tunas taste just as good as the big ones!

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Looks like the lack of big fish didn’t diminish the smiles on board the Adventurer!
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All told we got happy clients and fish in the box as the Adventurer delivers a fun, safe, educational family fishing trip.

February 15, 2013

Glen Sutherland booked the Adventurer for a half-day excursion and the little 23-foot panga put Glen on top of big fish! Dorado was the most popular item on the menu and the lethal weapon hauled in several nice fish. Here is the biggest one:

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They also caught a handful of Bonitas; not worth keeping but still nice to have the rods bend throughout the trip.

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January 3, 2013

Ivan Sebastian fears no fish and he found the perfect boat for him the in Adventurer. Captain Carlos set the trolling spread up with big fish in mind, but when this monster Sailfish tore off a rigged ballyhoos even he was surprised at the force of this fish.

Only three billfish have been released on the 23-foot panga, but Ivan was determined to be lucky number four.

Fantastic boat handling and fish handling skill were displayed by the crafty Captain Carlos as Ivan Sebastian (and his brand new FishingNosara hat) bested this blue water beast.

January 2, 2013

We should hang a sign on the Adventurer reading: “Under Construction: Great family fishing memories”

Dan and Kristine brought their young son aboard for a quick excursion just outside Garza Bay and they hauled in two nice-sized Dorados.

Looks like the kid had a ball and everyone should have a full belly to show for their efforts with over 50lbs. of fish on ice by trip’s end.

December 31, 2012

Greg Watson and his daughter joined Captain Carlos on the Adventurer for an fridge-packing harvest of tasty fish. The Dorados swarmed the 23-foot pocket knife and Carlos put these Canadians in the heart of the fight.

It’s great to see shared fishing experiences between parents and their kids, and from the looks of these pics this will be a fishing memory that lasts a lifetime for the Watsons.

They added a nice White Tuna to the Dorado haul and called it a day. Another outstanding trip from the sneaky Adventurer.

December 25, 2012

Nicholas Wisner signed up for a pair of fishing trips this week, and on his excursion aboard the sneaky Adventurer he and his girl hauled in a meaty 40lbs. Dorado.

It certainly seems that we are the beneficiary of some great Christmas fishing spirit and we are thankful for all of these nice stocking-stuffer sized Dorados. Great work as always from the fearless Captain Carlos.

November 29, 2012

John Fitzgibbon and Alisha Jernack joined Captain Carlos on the 23-foot Adventurer for a sunset fishing trip and scored on a few nice fish. Take a look at these monsters harvested in just 2.5 short hours:

This 30lbs. Cubera Snapper will make for some excellent filets, and the Cierro Mackeral (below) is unquestionably he best sushi/ceviche fare in the area. That’s an impressive trip through the express lane at the fish market.