November 29, 2012

John Fitzgibbon and Alisha Jernack joined Captain Carlos on the 23-foot Adventurer for a sunset fishing trip and scored on a few nice fish. Take a look at these monsters harvested in just 2.5 short hours:

This 30lbs. Cubera Snapper will make for some excellent filets, and the Cierro Mackeral (below) is unquestionably he best sushi/ceviche fare in the area. That’s an impressive trip through the express lane at the fish market.

November 25, 2012

Captain Carlos had a wonderful new client visit the Adventurer for a half day inshore assault and once again the straight razor showed no fear in the face of a reef-dwelling monster.

Jean Pierre Sturtevent showed his strong Texas angling abilities and lassoed this 35lbs. Cubera Snapper. What a wonderful catch, especially so close to shore!

June 23, 2012

John Baumgart had a monster day on the Explorer with Captain David. They set up shop on top of the reef at Pincha Padre and the action was productively fruitful.

They piled the ice box high with two Dorados, six Bonitas, and a tasty Barbero Snapper. They unquestioned highlight of the trip with this meaty 60lbs. Cuberaย  Snapper.

Looks like John has his filets covered for the rest of the week…in fact he may have a little extra to go around!

May 25, 2012

Craig Sutton made history two years ago on January 22, 2010 with what was at that time the biggest Cubera Snapper we’d ever seen. The Wanderer has utilized his special Cubera Snapper Tactic to put many clients on these Big Red Buicks (see All Cubera Catches) and some would say that Craig’s legacy has been lost in all this success.

Craig shot back to his rightful spot as King of the Cubera Hill with this MASSIVE 80+lbs. Cubera Snapper. This fish fought very hard, as described by Craig on the Florida Sportsman Radio program the following morning:

Craig and Paula have one more fishing day planned so lets see if he can top this excellent catch.

May 25, 2012

Amazing report from the pocket knife Adventurer…Captain Carlos reports that the 23 foot Panga has released her first billfish, a terrific Pacific Sailfish!

Client Josh Walker hook-up up a 100+ lbs. Sailfish on a surface feather about 1 mile from shore. With glass water and calm conditions, there was no stopping Captain Carlos from taking the Adventurer a little more offshore than usual. The water clarity was obviously a huge factor in this strike.

Captain Carlos masterfully coordinated the hook-up and the fight, but most importantly saw to the safe and careful release of this awesome fish.

Now most Captains would be satisfied calling it a day on the heels of this massive acheivement, but Carlos is known for squeezing every drop of action out of a fishing day.

Josh scored five nice-sized Dorados before the Sailfish strike, then later in the day dropped a line to the reef bottom and hauled in this amazing Cubera Snapper.

A trophy fish released and lots 0f filets to go with it. Let’s hope this is a sign of the kind of fishing our clients can expect from Captain Carlos and the never-say-die Adventurer.

May 22, 2012

Craig Sutton and the lovely Georgia peach Paula are in town this week celebrating their 3rd anniversary. Hard to believe it’s only been three years since Paula came along and taught Craig how to fish, but today’s catches on the Explorer were a tasty reminder of Paula’s angling prowess.

Craig showed his stuff in the form of a beautiful 50lbs. Dorado to start off the half-day with Captain David, but Paula brought the house down by catching a dinosaur of a Cubera Snapper.

They also added another mighty Cubera that was almost as big as the first. Great catches by the US Representative for FishingNosara and his fishing instructor Ms. Paula.

May 20, 2012

Incredible Cubera Snapper catch for client Steve Creasey on the legendary Explorer!

This big red Buick took every ounce of Steve’s strength and almost every inch of line until it finally surfaced.

Kind of makes you forget about Red Snapper closures back in Clearwater, huh Steve?

Captain David kept Mr. Creasey on the fish for the duration of the five hour trip, adding a Cierro Mackerall and three Dorados to the scorecard. Steve has another half day booked with Captain David as well as two full days with Captain William on the Wanderer.

Certainly a great start a week of fishing, but is it worthy of the Hall of Fame? Well it’s a no-brainer when the fish is as tall and as wide as the Captain. Welcome to the hallowed hall Steve Creasey!

April 8, 2012

William Ascura and his boys joined Captain David on the Explorer for a half day excursion on April 8 . They started out on the right foot with this wonderful Sailfish release.

Mate Carlos set this monster free and Explorer moved inshore to about 250 feet of water for some deep-jigging action. The boys caught a nice Spanish Mackeral and backed it up with a 20lbs. Cubera Snapper.

Great work by anglers young and old!

January 12, 2012

The Wanderer took client Christian on a 2.5 hour sunset fishing trip on January 12 and delivered some great inshore action in short order. First he caught five Jack Crevalles and a Bonita as a warm up, then finished the trip strong by boating a 25lbs. Cubera Snapper. These clients were really excited when they got back to shore.

It’s worth noting that earlier in the day Captain David of the Explorer also reported good action on Jack Crevalles and a Cubera snapper. Our Captains are not selfish; they share fishing intelligence with each other which gives our clients that little extra edge when they hit the water. Excellent sunset trip by Captain William and the FishingNosara flagship Wanderer!

January 12, 2012

Unfortunately water and wind conditions have made offshore billfishing a fruitless venture for the last five days or so, but the Captains and crews of FishingNosara are not ones to throw in the towel when the going gets tough.

The boys have stayed inshore this week and satisfied their clients with big Jack Crevalles and other reef dwellers. Client John Wellborn booked the Explorer on January 12 and in addition to the requisite Crevalles, Mr. Wellborn found himself on the business end of a monster Cubera Snapper.

This meaty bulldog weighed about 30lbs. and should keep John Wellborn and his group full of fish for several days. Excellent job by Captain David of adapting to the difficult offshore conditions and delivering the goods for his clients.