Tyler Turrell and his family scored big with the Discoverer on November 26.
The boys released multiple Sailfish, then set up bringing home dinner with nice Dorado scores.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
Tyler Turrell and his family scored big with the Discoverer on November 26.
The boys released multiple Sailfish, then set up bringing home dinner with nice Dorado scores.
Captain Carlos welcomed the Sheltra group on November 25.
Super Sailfish releases were backed-up by a brace of Yellowfin Tunas.
Harry Zeeman of the Voois group took a side trip on the Adventurer on November 25. Captain Fito is pleased to report this nice Dorado catch:
Mike Englebrecht returned to the Explorer on November 24 and followed-up with even more Dorado scores.
Captain Fito welcomed angler Glenn Smaha for a fun day of Dorado hunting on November 24.
Captain Wilson delivered the goods on November 23 with Craig Sutton and Bill Catsulis scoring Sailfish releases and Dorado catches.
Our good friend Mike Englebrecht scored a nice pile of Dorados on his November 23 trip on the Explorer.
The Harvester welcomed Mike Greene for a fun day of action on November 22.
A sweet Sailfish release was backed-up with several tasty Dorados for the dinner table.
Our good friend Ronnie Green is back in Nosara, and on November 21st he joined the Harvester for great blue water action.
This Yellowfin Tuna is the biggest of the young season so far, and was backed-up with a nice Dorado.
Great work by Captain Wilson!
The Discoverer and Craig Sutton scored a pair of Sailfish releases on November 21.
Craig also added a Dorado for the filet bag.