Captain Antonio and Mate Raffa scored some nice Dorados with angler Mark McNasby on June 3.
Tag: Dorado
May 30, 2023
Sam Kyzer’s group performed brilliantly with the Wanderer on May 30. Check out these tasty Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna scores:
May 25, 2023
Brian Burke of Jacksonville, FL scored a mountain of tasty filets with Captain Antonio and Mare Raffa on May 25.
Big Dorados and Yellowfin Tunas dotted Brian’s scorecard. This is a lot of reeling for a solo fisherman, but Mr. Burke is a very experienced angler.
Big smiles and big fish on the barroom brawler Explorer!
May 23, 2023
Christopher Keen had a big outing with the Discoverer on May 23. This monster Dorado was backed-up by a nice pile of Yellowfin Tunas.
May 22, 2023
On May 22, Murphy Gayler brought a fun group to the Wanderer. The fishing was a little slow, but they still came home with dinner thanks to this pair of Dorados.
May 16, 2023
The Wanderer nagged another Marlin release with the Reilly group on May 16.
They have been releasing billfish so far on their trip, but thankfully they scored this small Dorado so they have something to eat.
May 16, 2023
On May 16, Texas anglers Joey Lopez, Danny Alvarado, and Johnny Rodriguez got acclimated to the Pacific blue water with a super Sailfish release. Excellent job by Captain Carlos on the Discoverer.
They also filled up the refrigerator with Dorado filets. Good eatin’ this week!
May 3, 2023
On May 3 on the Wanderer nabbed this nice Dorado for the dinner table.
April 30, 2023
The Harvester welcomed Scott Raley and Geromy Criswell on April 30. This excellent Sailfish release tops the scorecard:
They also filled up the fishbox with these nice Yellowfin Tunas backed up with a feisty Dorado.
They finished the day inshore and scored this cute little Yellowtail Snapper.
April 27, 2023
Rick Alistair’s group had a nice day of action on April 27 with the Discoverer reporting a Sailfish release backed up with a nice Dorado for the icebox.