Pauline Demaria’s group had a great time with the mega panga on March 17.
They scored an awesome Sailfish release, and then added tasty Yellowfin Tuna filets for the fishbox.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
Pauline Demaria’s group had a great time with the mega panga on March 17.
They scored an awesome Sailfish release, and then added tasty Yellowfin Tuna filets for the fishbox.
On March 16, the Harvester welcomed angler Jeff Warren for a fun day of blue-water battles. This lovely Sailfish release was backed-up by several tasty Yellowfin Tunas for the dinner table.
Jason Scopp’s group booked the Harvester for the third straigh year, and as usual the mega panga delivered; check out this sweet Dorado:
Teresa Murray’s group joined the Harvester on March 7 and the mega panga reports a nice pile of Dorado filets.
On March 4th, the Harvester and angler Harper Bradshaw scored a nice array of Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna filets.
The Harvester welcomed Rob Humpel on March 3, and the mega panga delivered the goods with excellent Dorado scores.
The Harvester welcomed angler Daniel Hom on the 26th for an excellent day of catching.
This tasty Jack Crevalle was backed-up with a nice Dorado. Not bad for just a 5hr. trip.
Lisa Ballacao and her crew has a great time with Captain Carlos on February 24.
Let’s let Lisa tell the tale: “FishingNosara delivered yet again. We retuned again after last year! We enjoyed 2 great days of fishing on the Harvester with Captain Wilson and Mate Gerardo! Day 1 we caught a large Mahi Mahi and then came inshore for the afternoon and caught white Tuna and lots of Bonitos to use for bait. Day 2 we stayed offshore all day and caught and released 3 beautiful Sailfish and bought home a huge Wahoo to eat for days! The boats are kept in pristine condition (kept clean throughout the day as well!) and the guys are very knowledgeable and even flexible as our plans changed for the day! We will be back next year! Still need to get that elusive Marlin!
Lisa Ballacao and Ben joined up with the Harvester on the 23rd, and they got acclimated to the blue water fishery with a tasty White Tuna backed-up with a nice Dorado.
On February 22, the Harvester welcomed Charley Smith and FishingNosara Hall of Famer Morgan Trible.
These Virginia anglers scored multiple Sailfish releases.
For the icebox they added a nice Wahoo and a big Dorado.