January 18, 2019

FishingNosara Hall of Famer and Northeast FishingNosara Representative Mark Cooney pulled off an amazing fishing feat with Captain David on January 18th…what, you’ve never battled a Sailfish on a 23-foot panga with a tiller-steered motor?

Then he grabbed a second Sailfish!

Backed up by lots of great Dorado, this is a picture-perfect day for the Adventurer!

January 14, 2019

Captain Alex was deep in the battle on January 14 as client Kevin Poindexter threw down with an sweet Blue Marlin.

Mate Kevin estimated this beast at a little over 300lbs. Safe released alive and kicking as usual.

The big Marlin was the headliner, but it was supported by this excellent Sailfish release.



This high-flyer put on a nice show with lots of above-the-water action.

They finally outlasted this Sailfish, and brought home lots of nice photos of the fight.

This group rounded out their day with a nice Dorado and a sweet Yellowfin Tuna. Good thing, because it’s easy to work up a big appetite when catching all day long!

January 11, 2019

The other half of Adam LeMaster’s group was on the Discoverer on the 11th, and angler Roger Salinas managed to one-up the flagship with this feisty Blue Marlin release.

Excellent work by Captain Carlos and Mate Kevin to round up this monster…they also add a Sailfish release later in the trip:

Like the other group, they stocked up on Dorado filets.

However they upped the ante with multiple awesome Yellowfin Tunas on ice.

Great job by the big battleship!