The Harvester welcomed Mike Greene for a fun day of action on November 22.
A sweet Sailfish release was backed-up with several tasty Dorados for the dinner table.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
The Harvester welcomed Mike Greene for a fun day of action on November 22.
A sweet Sailfish release was backed-up with several tasty Dorados for the dinner table.
The Discoverer and Craig Sutton scored a pair of Sailfish releases on November 21.
Craig also added a Dorado for the filet bag.
The Voois group returned to the Wanderer on the 20th and continued to score blue water beasties:
Sailfish released as always, and dinner provided by a big tasty Dorado.
Roger Hugges and the Harvester nagged a nice Sailfish release on November 20. They also brought home a nice Dorado for the dinner table.
The Discoverer had a holiday family party on November 20 with Bill Catsulis’ and Todd Jennings family joining forces for a blue water battle.
An early Sailfish release was backed-up with multiple excellent Dorados on ice.
The Wanderer welcomed the Voois group on November 19, and these European anglers got off to a fast start on the Pacific blue water. This Sailfish release topped the scorecard:
Throughout the rest of the day they nagged a nice stack of Dorados.
Dan Johnson of Hatteras, NC joined the Wanderer on November 17 along with his friend Antonio Carillo.
They released Sailfish and brought home tasty Dorado filets.
Seth Walker joined Captain Antonio on November 17 for a fantastic day of catching on the Explorer.
This sweet Sailfish release is a fine memory, and a dinner-table size Dorado will keep the group fed. Excellent work by the barroom brawler Explorer.
On November 16, angler Wade Berry posted his best day of the week with four excellent Dorados and a super Sailfish release:
Excellent fish handling by Mate Bryan to ensure the safety of this blue water beastie.
These Dorados make for great sushi:
The Discoverer had a big day on November 15 with anglers Charles and Stephanie O’Neal scoring a super Sailfish release.
A dinner-time Dorado rounded out the scorecard on this trip. Excellent work by Captain Carlos.