With all the excitement surrounding the launch of FishingNosara’s newest boat, the Wanderer, let’s take a moment here and welcome her top-notch crew. Captain William Barrantes Mendoza and mates Alex and David are all lifelong anglers with deep local roots, and believe me they are more than capable of running such a fine boat.

After releasing four out of the nine Marlin raised in late November, the Wanderer set her sights on more of the big boys. On November 22nd Captain William was joined by Craig and Matty of FishingNosara.com and Nosara Paradise Rentals’ head builder Danilo for a 3/4 day of Marlin hunting. Sure enough one more raised, caught, and released for the Wanderer, this one approximately 350lbs.

Chris Savitz of Jacksonville was aboard with Craig and Captain William for several fishing trips in late November. Mr. Savitz was part of the team that rigged the Wanderer and it was quite a thrill for him to catch this massive Dorado. Now, Mr. Savitz is not an especially big guy, but you got to love that this fish is taller than Chris.