February 2, 2019

Wanna skip Sea World? Check out this pod of Orca playing around with 32 foot Harvester. You never know what you’ll see offshore of Nosara…Great to see these beauties in the wild.

After this fun nature sighting, the Harvester got down to business with Craig Sutton and Rodger Dwork reporting excellent fishing results.

These Dorados are a treat, but nothing compared to these big swole Yellowfin Tunas:

Great work by Captain Alex and the Mega Panga.

January 28, 2019

On January 28, FishingNosara Hall of Famer Dan Johnson took local friend Alexander the Coconut Man (Gato) for his first trip offshore on the Explorer.

They released three Sailfish, and caught two nice grande Dorados.

Fun time on the Explorer with Capitan Fico And Marinero Johnny (of the Wanderer, filling in at the Mate position)