August 16, 2022

The big battleship Discoverer scored a few nice Yellowfin Tunas on the 16th with angler John Barry.

Here’s what John had to say after the trip: “We had a fantastic trip these guys are true professionals – I brought my mom along with me who did not want to fish and they communicated with me before and after the trip to ensure she had a good time. She had a fanatics time, even ended up in the battle chair fighting a tuna I bet I could even get her to get out again. We caught a bunch of Yellowfin + fought a sailfish we just lost.”

August 8, 2022

Stephan Badsteiber continued his run of excellent trips on August 8. Top of the scorecard is the very challenging Double Sailfish release.

They also scored a few solo Sailfish releases, plus a decent Dorado for the dinner table.


We recieved this email from Stephan after the trip: “Dear Matty, Thanks a lot, that we could fish with Antonio an Raffa on the Explorer. They are working very hard, we enjoyed every minute on the boat. I also think, that we caught the whole of Costa Rica the last week!

On August the 8th,we got a double strike of sailfish, released another one and caught a Mahi Mahi. Great fishing and big memories for us!”


Bird released safely.

Shark released safely.

Fresh Tuna Burrito