Most recently Captain Vibert was joined by Cayleah Matthews and her friend for a pleasant afternoon on the water. The weather was perfect, the clients had an absolute blast and rods stayed bent on schools of nice-sized Tuna.
Tag: Girls of FishingNosara
July 30, 2010
July 30th was a busy day on the Wanderer. First, client Jody Barone was on board for a half-day fishing for the big billfish. They trolled all over the area and got lots of bites. Unfortunately they lost a big Marlin but they hooked up some Sails.
It was all smiles by the end of the day; they had caught and released two MASSIVE 100lbs. Sailfish. Awesome job!
Captain William and the crew barely had time to say goodbye to Jody because the Wanderer was booked for a Sunset cruise that evening.
July 3, 2010
July 3th brought Yorhany Zuñiga on board for an afternoon of fishing with his brother First Mate Alex and he caught this nice Cuberra Snapper, estimated to weigh around 35-40lbs. Yorhany is a local and close friend to FishingNosara and certainly knows how to catch nice fish.
June 23, 2010
On June 23rd client TJ Boulware and his party were on the Wanderer for a 2.5 hour sunset cruise and caught three decent-sized Yellowfin tunas.
These sunset cruises are a great chance for novice anglers to get a feel for fishing without the expense of a full day trip. Our crews are excellent teachers of the craft of fishing and they speak very good English.
Even if you have little or no experience on the water FishingNosara’s Captains can deliver for you the fishing trip of a lifetime. Clearly from these pictures these ladies got the fishing bug and will no doubt find themselves on the water really soon.
June 17, 2010
On June 17th these clients had a Double Sailfish day. As always both fish were safely released.
June 16, 2010
Recently Renee Taylor and family booked the Wanderer on June 16th and had a magnificent day. They released a 250lbs. Striped Marlin and a 120lbs. Sailfish and a nice Yellowfin tuna to the mix…call this a perfect end to a great month of fishing.
This bite should hold well into September, but dates are filling up fast so don’t delay, book today!
Renee Taylor and her family’s incredible catches just goes to show that with proper tackle and a strong boat anybody can catch the fish of a lifetime with FishingNosara!
June 15, 2010
Another great angler filled up his refrigerator on June 15th by catching four 15-25lbs. Yellowfin tunas.
These reef dwellers are as tasty as they are fun to catch. They are feisty and will fight all the way to the boat. Fortunately the North Florida anglers get plenty of practice with a wide variety of species and this group was all over these tasty Yellowfin tunas.
April 4, 2010
This group of clients had an awesome day working the topwater reefs, bringing in a nice Cubera Snapper and the elusive Rooster Fish. Best of all they had a boatload of fun!
March 22, 2010
On March 22nd, Jim Bridges and his party really captured the flag this month with a ridiculous FIVE Sailfish released in a single day, including the infamous Double Bill Shot. Craig Sutton and Charly Bernhardt were also aboard the Wanderer for the feat.
Great work Captain William and mates Alex and David for coming up with the idea for the picture, and then having the guts to hold onto these powerful Sailfish.
March 12, 2010
Captain Vibert escorted this quintet of yogis for a three hours sunset cruise and in addition to enjoying the scenery, turtles, whales, and dolphins they also got on a few fish.
Remember that FishingNosara’s boats aren’t just for fishing. Many clients enjoy snorkeling, sightseeing, and surfing right from our boats. All of our rates, boats, and adventures are customizable to fit the needs of you and your party.