January 5, 2018

The Wanderer delivered a great inshore experience for the Christine Franz group on January 5. First order of business was to acquire live-bait, and this 5lbs. Bonita fit the bill perfectly.

This morsel was re-hooked and sent to the bottom, where it was inhaled by this beautiful Rooster Fish:

Safe released as always, this tactic proves again why Captain William is a true master!

November 17, 2017

Our new friend Paul Gioguardi scored big on the Harvester with tons of great catches in just five hours of fishing.

This big Rooster fish release was the highlight of the trip, but don’t sleep on these excellent Dorados for the dinner table:


It’s great to see young anglers get on the fish and bring them home.

November 13, 2017

David Little ended his week of fishing with Captain David with a true fish of a lifetime..this Rooster Fish release is easily north of 70lbs. and is clearly the biggest pez gallo of the season for the FishingNosara team:

They also nabbed several more nice filets for the travel cooler.

Great work by Captain David and the plucky Adventurer.