March 25, 2013

Stacey Rector, Ray Wittelsberger and their crew took to the mighty Wanderer for a billfish hunt and they pulled off one of the most memorable feats in blue water fishing: The Double Sailfish Release

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This hectic moment was made easy for both angler and fish alike by Captain William’s steady hand on the wheel and First Mate Alex’s world-class fish handling. Both fish were safely revived and released without incident.

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March 23, 2013

Who says the billfish bite turns off before the full moon? Captain William and First Mate Alex of the Wanderer laugh at that notion as they release this incredible Sailfish just as the moon begins to turn.

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This fish hit hard and fought well but was no match for the flagship this time. A nice safe release means he will get another chance to do battle again really soon.

March 18, 2013

Earl Newton is a old boat man from Jacksonville, FL who we met back in April when we purchased FishingNosara’s next great vessel the Discoverer. We instantly became good friends and he has served as an advisor on The Discoverer Project since the beginning.

Of course you can’t hang around us very long until we talk you into going to Nosara, and sure enough Earl and his posse spent a relaxing week at Nosara Paradise Rentals plus took to the water to hunt down some Pacific billfish.

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We are stoked to report that Earl and the boys absolutely knocked it out of the park on their fishing days with multiple Sailfish releases and some tasty Dorados for the dinner table.

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Great work by a great friend on the Discoverer‘s sister ship the mighty Wanderer.

March 2, 2013

Bill Werden and his group acquired their vacation package at a banquet for the Florida Coastal Conservation Association and they bellied up to the bar for some great sailfish action on the Wanderer.

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This monster is estimated to weigh upwards of 150lbs. and was a memorable fishing feat for these Florida anglers.
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Superb boat handling by Captain William made this a short fight, and First Mate Alex saw to the safe revival and release of this beautiful Sailfish.
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Febraury 27, 2013

Dave Devine and his family turned in one of the best performances in recent memory by releasing two Sailfish and two Striped Marlin on just a 5 hour trip! That is incredible production for a half-day of fishing.

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Both Stripeys weighed about 225lbs. which is typical size for this species. They fight just as ferociously as their bigger cousins and getting two releases on a single trip is certainly a noteworthy feat.

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Nice to see that Dave’s son got in on the action and caught one of the Sails. Great fish handling as always by First Mate Alex to make sure the fish and the kid got away from this photo safely.



February 16, 2013

Mike Burling is one of our favorite repeat clients, and after lighting it up last year on the Wanderer this time he chose the 26-foot Explorer as his fishing platform of choice. The super panga was up for battle and Mr. Burling’s group was fit for the task.

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The inshore bite provided good action early in the trip with four nice Mullet Snappers (12-14lbs.) and four equally-sized White Tunas on ice by Noon. In the afternoon the Explorer ventured to Sailfish city and released three beauties estimated at 70 lbs., 90 lbs., and a whopping 120lbs.!
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Captain David and Mate Carlos saw to the safe releases of all three monsters as Mike Burling proved that his success last year was no fluke, but in fact the norm for this excellent Northeast Florida angler.
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February 12, 2013

John Danner comes to us from the picturesque island community of Davis Island in the Tampa, FL area which is known for it’s world-class sailing. In fact every Thursday night there is an open regatta where local sailors can mix it up with traveling cup teams in Hillsborough Bay.

Well, Mr. Danner got into a different kind of sailing over the course of three trips with Captain David on the Explorer.

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This is the kind where you release multiple Sailfish from a 26-foot panga boat!
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Great work by Captain David and Mate Carlos to safely catch and release these beauties.

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Mr. Danner was all smiles when he came back. Here is the email he sent us:

Craig, Matt, and Arturo,

Again thank you for an awesome trip.  Everything was done beyond what I had expected. A friendly arrival, excellent advice, outstanding fishing, and complete satisfaction from start to finish. I have all ready told my friends of your outstanding operation. Thanks again for the trip of a lifetime.  Cannot wait to go again.
John Danner

February 10, 2013

Russell Triplett and his lady had a wonderful day of action on the flagship, highlighted by His and Hers Sailfish releases and a monster Dorado for the dinner table.

Russell caught the first sailfish and just when she swam away freely after the release a second line popped off the report of a strike.

First Mate Alex switched the spread over from billfish to meatfish in the afternoon and once again the flagship delivered the goods for her clients. Take a look as this monster Dorado estimated to weigh over 45lbs.

Need some help holding that fish, Russell? I think she can handle it for ya:

 Another super day on the big blue beauty Wanderer!

February 9, 2013

Three-time Hall of Famer Dennis Paul has done it again! This guy is an unstoppable angler who has quench his thirst for blue water action many times in our stretch of ocean and his performance on February 9 is surely another day for the record books.

Dennis righteously released four total Pacific Sailfish and as usual he was neck deep in the action; this ain’t the kind of client who watches Captain William and First Mate Alex do all the work!

Check out Dennis on the billshot:

As expected Dennis Paul turned in another noteworthy performance as the only single angler to release four billfish on one trip this season. In fact the last time a single angler caught more than four on the Wanderer was tournament time last season and we all remember how that went: