The Discoverer gave Rickie Crews’ group an amazing send-off on August 12. Check out this 100lbs. Yellowfin Tuna:
They also nabbed an amazing Sailfish release.
To round out the day, they also boated this nice Dorado.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
The Discoverer gave Rickie Crews’ group an amazing send-off on August 12. Check out this 100lbs. Yellowfin Tuna:
They also nabbed an amazing Sailfish release.
To round out the day, they also boated this nice Dorado.
On August 10 Captain William led the team back into Sailfish City after a week of somewhat slow offshore action.
Shane Sheltra pulled off this awesome Double Sailfish release.
Billy Meeks and Jerome McKown were back for more on the 9th. Let’s hear Jerome’s account:
Another great day of fishing in Nosara, Costa Rica.
My good fishing partner and friend Billy Meeks had an amazing day on the water with Fishing Nosara on the Harvester with Capt. Alex.
We started the day with Billy catching and landing a 7’ sailfish. We actually saw him strike and eat the surface bait. Pretty cool for sure.
Then I was able to catch another rooster fish.
Good fight beautiful colors on this fish.
Later this afternoon Billy was able to catch and land another Rooster Fish. His fish was definitely bigger than mine; 48lbs
Within 10 minutes from Billy’s release I popped another rooster fish. It was a monster. The granddaddy of the rooster fish. We able to see him briefly before he broke the hook. Capt. Alex estimated to be nearly 70 lbs.😡
All I could think of was the movie…Grumpy Old Men and how they were always trying catch.. “Catfish Hunter”…
So another day is in the books. We were able to photo and release these magnificent fighters for another day.
We laughed hard, fished hard, and now we have wonderful memories of today’s events which will last forever in our mind and heart…
We not fishing tomorrow, but come Wednesday let me just say.. Catfish hunter rooster we are coming for you.. Game on. Lol. Wish us luck on our final day fishing this paradise called Nosara, Costa Rica..🎣🦵🏾🤙
Tight lines,
Capt. J
Rickie Crews and his family knocked it out of the park on the 10th, with Master Captain William reporting great Sailfish releases.
Looks like the whole group each got a crack at a big Pacific Sailfish fight.
The Discoverer and angler Sean Jackson scored big on the 9th.
A few Sailfish releases were backed-up with a BIG White Tuna. These guys rarely get larger that 15lbs. but this one is a really tasty whopper:
At the end of the trip Sean put together this sweet recap of his fishing adventure in Nosara:
Fishing has been a little slow in early-August, but the crafty Captain Carlos still coaxed a few nice Sailfish into the spread.
Excellent fish-handling by Mate Kevin.
The Harvester delivered for angler Tommy Lougran’s group on August 4th.
This sweet Sailfish release was accompanied by a fun-sized Dorado.
Captain Carlos and Mate Kevin upted their game on August 3, delivering this amazing Double Sailfish release:
They added a nice 30lbs. Yellowfin Tuna for the dinner table.
Great job by the big battleship Discoverer.
The Discoverer and angler Brian Zintgraff had a fun day offshore on August 2. This nice Sailfish release was backed up with a small tasty Dorado.
The Discoverer scored big on July 31.
This Sailfish release was augmented by a 40+lbs. Yellowfin Tuna.
Great work by the big battleship!