August 4, 2019

Captain William pulled out all of the stops on August 4…get a look at this floor-sweeping Dorado scored by the FishingNosara flagship:

That was just the tip of the iceberg on a great day of action:


This Yellowfin Tuna was a welcome diversion from the Dorado that dominated the Wanderer‘s scorecard:

The hits kept coming all day long.

August 2, 2019

Captain William pulled double-duty on August 2. The morning 5 hour session featured this stunning Blue Marlin release by angler Scott Swanson.

High off of this amazing catch, the mighty Wanderer welcomed Martin Claurl’s family for a fun afternoon of rod-bending:

This group left the boat flush with Yellowfin Tuna filets, plus added this unusual Needlefish for the ceviche tray.

The end of the mighty flagship’s ten hour day was this send-off from a monster Whale (baleena en espanol). What a treat: