December 16, 2014

Client Jean Giroux and his friends stayed close to shore on their morning half-day with the Wanderer on December 16, but lucky for them the blue water stayed close to shore also.

The resulting Dorado scores are so beefy that it is tough to believe that these were caught so close to shore.

Big filets and big smiles all around for the Giroux group!

December 12, 2014

Captain William has a long history of delivering great results, and he was tracked down by some of his former clients from the pre-Wanderer days. This couple rejoined the Master Captain for a full day trip and turned in an astounding performance.

First up with this big Blue Marlin release. On it’s own this is a true fish-of-a-lifetime, but for these anglers it was just the tip of the iceberg.

Fresh of the Marlin release was a slew of tasty Dorados.

Then they a sweet Sailfish release for a send-off.

That’s an outstanding day of action from the baddest boat in the bay, the Wanderer with Master Captain William.

December 7, 2014

Our great friend Marion Lawler is back in Nosara for a quick fishing trip, and despite the short duration of his stay he found the time to join the Wanderer for a full day assault on the blue-water beasties.

This high-flying Sailfish release broke the ice, and was followed up with a nice Dorado score for the dinner table.

Marion finished off the day with another Sailfish release.

Great fish handling by First Mate Alex meant these fish will be around next time this Texas angler belts up for battle!

December 5, 2014

The question every Captain asks at the beginning of a trip is, “Inshore or Offshore?”

You gotta love when the answer is “Both!”

Mike Burling and the crew stayed inside in the morning of December 5 and were rewarded with an excellent Rooster fish release:

Satisfied with the trophy release, they had Captain William point the Wanderer offshore to Sailfish City where they scored multiple releases, including a Double:

The double Sailfish trouble proved no trouble for these Fernandina Beach, FL anglers:

The next day they mimicked the same battle plan, with eerily similar results.

A nice pair of Rooster fish in the morning, followed by sweet offshore action in the afternoon.

Kind of nice when a fertile 80 foot reef and a 2500+ drop are only 6 miles from port!

December 2, 2014

Mike Burling and his posse of Northeast Florida anglers have descended upon Nosara for another epic battle with big blue water billfish.

Their first stop was the super panga Explorer where the dynamic duo of Captain Carlos and Mate Kevin led the way to the blue water battleground.

This small Striped Marlin was the highlight of the day…not the biggest monster by any stretch but this fella still put up a heck of a fight.

They also added a pair of strong Sailfish releases to the scorecard.

Also they didn’t leave the boat empty-handed, thanks to this nice array of Dorado filets on ice.

Great well-rounded action from the unstoppable Explorer.




December 1, 2014

Larry MacInnis was staying about 20km up the road from Nosara, but a hardened angler like Larry knows that is it worth a short drive to get hooked up with the best fishing team in the country.

He booked the flagship for a 6.5 hour excursion and they had great success.

Let’s have Larry tell the tale:


We had a great day of fishing on Dec. 1, 2014 aboard the Wanderer with Captain William and First mate Alex.

Those guys are real pros and had us on fish most of the day.

Caught 4 Dorado and 6 Sailfish and we appreciated the concern Alex had for the well being of the Sailfish keeping them out of the water only long enough for the photos.

Thanks for a memorable day. We hope to return.
Take care,
Larry MacInnis
St. Augustine, Florida

November 29, 2014

The Wanderer scored some excellent Sailfish and Dorado on a late-November full day trip.

In the evening, Javier and the NPR construction team sneaked aboard for a little relaxation after a long summer of rehabbing the new office in Guiones Beach.ย 

They squeezed every drop out of this trip, and though did not score any late-day catches they did take in a wonderful sunset.


Great end to the first month of the 2014 season for the mighty flagship.

November 28, 2014

The Discoverer has been on a billfish-battling mission this month and on November 28 welcomed Al Santiesteban’s family along with Craig Sutton and Danny ‘Shake n Bake’ Baker for a great trip offshore.

They conquered five Pacific Sailfish, then turned their attention inshore where they bested a nice Dorado and a beefy Amberjack:

Great work all around from the crew of the battleship Discoverer!

November 27, 2014

Al Santiesteban scored huge again on the Wanderer with this sweet pair of Rooster Fish releases:

The second release was bigger than the first:

Oh yeah! That’s a true monster, safe released by First Mate Alex after the brief photo op.

These Tampa anglers kept up their filet stocks with this excellent Dorado added later in the trip:

Great work Al!

November 26, 2014

The Discoverer welcomed Al Santiesteban’s family for their third trip of the week and performed beautifully with multiple Sailfish releases.

These Tampa Bay anglers have a knack for great catches, but believe me you won’t see monsters like this lurking under the Howard Franklin Bridge!

Later in the trip young Bryce added this respectable Dorado, ensuring that this great fishing family has a few filets for the refrigerator.