March 9, 2014

Fantastic action for FishingNosara Hall of Famer George Shipley on the Explorer. Waaaaaaay back in February 2011 Mr. Shipley earned enshrinement with the first double billfish day in the history on the then-new Super Panga.

Looks like he remembered the formula!

This double release was the highlight of the day that also featured a three solo Sailfish releases:

Plus a real nice Wahoo:

Add a late-day Dorado and you have a feast for the Hall of Famer.

Excellent work by Captain David and Mate Kevin to deliver the goods for this awesome angler.

March 8, 2014

Drew Honeycutt and his group hail from the Tar Heel State and discovered Nosara via the North Carolina Coastal Conservation Association.

They KO’d some nice Sailfish yesterday on the Wanderer, but didn’t score any tasty eatin’ fish.

Problem solved! What a nice Dorado…an authentic deck-scraper!

With the filets on ice, the boys got back to scoring Sailfish with three excellent releases.

Great work by the mighty Wanderer and these fine Carolina anglers.

March 2, 2014

Mitch and Jami Price returned to the Wanderer and stepped their game up big time!

Four more Sailfish releases were added to the scorecard, including one high-flying monster for Jami.

They added some meat for the dinner table with this fine Dorado later in the trip.

Great work by these Florida anglers and of course by the crew of the mighty Wanderer.

March 1, 2014

Ross Jordan is a tough-as-nails fisherman from Kansas, and based on his performance this week you’d think that there were blue water breaks in the middle of sunflower fields back home.

They started the day off right with a pair of Sailfish releases, then set there sights on delicious dinnertime Dorados.

Great work by the crew of the mighty flagship and these fine anglers from the Jayhawk state.

March 1, 2014

The Adventurer produced excellent results this month with a wide variety of catches. Check out just a sampling of the inshore morsels that the pocket knife pried up thanks to the moxy of Captain Carlos:

This Broomtail Grouper is definitely an exciting addition to the haul.

Yellowfin Tuna, big Dorado, and Wahoo may be offshore species where you come from, but with the nimble Adventurer these fish market scores can be had just 2 miles from the beach.

Of course a staple of our tasty fish rountine is the delectable White Tuna. These fellas rarely top 15lbs, but every ounce is filled with yummy goodness!

February 28, 2014

Mitch and Jami Price are the latest in a long line of South Florida anglers to whip some fish butt on the Wanderer, and their 6.5 hour trip on the flagship yielded some awesome catches.

They nabbed a pair of Sailfish early, then Jami added this fat Dorado:

She kept the coals burning by adding another two Sailfish releases to round out the trip.

February 23, 2014

Captain William reports fantastic action for Annie Crowell and her group. The action started fast with a big Dorado on ice:

Then the Wanderer was attacked from all quarters by hungry Sailfish.

Great fish handling by First Mate Alex as always, but how about Captain William’s keen trigger finger on the camera…trust me it ain’t easy to capture a Sailfish in flight!

Anne scored the final Sailfish of the trip, then added another pair of Dorados to round out the day.

Picture perfect performance by the mighty Wanderer!

February 21, 2014

Beau Braid and his boys laid down a groundbreaking performance on the flagship Wanderer…how does FOURTEEN Sailfish releases sound to you?

They were swarmed by Sailfish from the start of the trip all the way until the last line was reeled in.

The multiple hook-ups started just after 1pm. They had a double hook-up followed by a triple hook-up.

This is one of the most hectic hookups in all of fishing but these fish did not stand a change because of Captain William’s calm demeanor on the wheel and First Mate Alex’ laser precision in the cockpit.


Beau and the boys experienced yet another Triple hook-up:

The fourteen Sailfish releases were backed up by five beefy Dorados. Safe to say these guys have plenty of filets for the week.

As a final send-off, the Wanderer was greeted in Garza Bay by this majestic Baleena (Humpback Whale). Great shots from Captain William of thes amazing creature in the wild.

Here’s the email we got from Beau: “Thanks Craig! We had an awesome trip. Everything was great, and the fishing even better. Once I get some pictures together I will send some good ones to you. But I know William got a lot of good ones too”