July 5, 2012

Chris Porter joined Captain David on the Explorer for a 6.5 hour trip today and he came up with some BIG Yellowfin Tunas. The coral green water was no deterrent to the Super panga as Mr. Porter returned to shore at the end of the day with four beefy Yella Fellas.

The hordes of 40+lbs. Yellowfin Tuna are in town and with any luck should remain in the area for the rest of the season.

July 2, 2012

Daniel and his son had a near perfect day on the indestructable Explorer today with lots of fish filets for the fridge plus a trio of Rooster releases for the trophy mantle.

The day began with three tasty Rainbow Runners (also called Rainbow Tunney) and a nice Ambejack. Then they hit paydirt with this first of three Roosters:

They also caught 10 Dorados over 10-15lbs+ for the dinner table. Great well-rounded half day from Captain David and the Explorer.

June 27, 2012

Excellent action on the Explorer today for client William. Captain David caught up with a school of Dorados and in the afternoon they caught over two dozen of the tasty greenies. They ranged from 10lbs. – 15 lbs., but add it up and that’s a lot of fish filets.

Later William caught a beautiful 15lbs. Mullet Snapper. These reef dwellers yield a tasty, almost lobster-like meat and annual catches for this species are usually single digits.

Excellent production from Captain David and the Explorer!

June 23, 2012

John Baumgart had a monster day on the Explorer with Captain David. They set up shop on top of the reef at Pincha Padre and the action was productively fruitful.

They piled the ice box high with two Dorados, six Bonitas, and a tasty Barbero Snapper. They unquestioned highlight of the trip with this meaty 60lbs. Cubera  Snapper.

Looks like John has his filets covered for the rest of the week…in fact he may have a little extra to go around!

June 22, 2012

Two time Hall of Famer Dennis Paul has returned to Nosara for another four day fishing expedition. His first trip of the week was on the Explorer with Captain David and around 9am Dennis cemented his world-class reputation with this Hall of Fame caliber Rooster Fish:

This monster is one of the biggest pez gallo we have ever seen and upon releasing it Captain David estimate her at 80+ lbs.

Dennis Paul added a few nice Yellowfin Tunas for the dinner table after becoming the 1st three-time FishingNosara Hall of Famer; it is also worth pointing out that his three enshrined fish were all different species.

Mr. Paul still has three days of fishing coming up so look out for this red-hot angler.

June 20, 2012

Steve Wallace took a ton of filets today on the unbeatable Explorer as the incomparable Captain David delivered two meaty fish for the dinner table. The highlight was this 40lbs. Yellowfin Tuna that is every ounce as good as it looks.

These Coastal Carolina anglers didn’t let up and their efforts also yielded this excellent 33lbs. Dorado.

Steve has booked another day on the Explorer so keep an eye right here on the FishingNosara blog for all the up-to-the-minute reports.

June 14, 2012

The blue water has been tough to find this week with the rains and northern ocean swells pushing the clean water out of our range. Fortunately Captain David of the Explorer is not fazed by less than ideal conditions, as proved by client Dane Sheild’s productive half day tuna hunt.

These monsters are a tasty addition to the fridge at Casa Tranquilo and both anglers had a blast. Nice work by the Explorer to stand strong in the face of adversity.


June 3, 2012

Our new friends Asif and Sebastian joined our old buddy Jeff Grosshandler for what was supposed to be  a 5 hour half-day on the Explorer with Captain David and First Mate Alex on loan from the Wanderer.

Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and they had to shorten the trip due to big waves.

That didn’t stop the legendary Explorer from catching a nice Yellowfin Tuna, though. This 40lbs. monster came in the first 30 minutes of the trip. You can tell from the background in these pictures that the storms were just about to fire off.

Great work by the dynamic duo to keep the Explorer in one piece and to make sure all the clients made it back to shore safely. It’s days like this that we are so proud to have a boatman of David’s caliber on this vessel. Here’s what Jeff had to say:

“Wow, crazy storm! Alex and David handled everything amazingly well, Alex especially impressed me. We are going back out later this week, maybe Wednesday. There are huge Tuna there right now.”

May 30, 2012

After setting the world on fire with Carlos on the Adventurer, client Josh Walker stepped up to the super panga Explorer. Carlos was along in his usual post as First Mate as Captain David set the barroom brawler on a huge pot of fish

This pair of 30lbs. Yellowfins were the highlight of the day, however the boys kept the rods bent throughout with 10 small Doardos reported in the fishbox. Though these little schoolies only weighed 15lbs. each, when you catch 10 it does add up. 

Great work by the Explorer crew and our new pal Josh Walker.