The mighty Wanderer put on a show for two groups of clients on December 26. First up was this excellent pair of Rooster fish releases scored first thing in the morning by Leah Armstrong :

These safe releases were the highlight of the morning session, but the big blue beauty was barely getting started.

In the afternoon we welcomed a great returning client and his family.
Hendrick Engel started fishing with our team late last year, and this time he returned with wife Maria and his daughter who was celebrating her 16th birthday.
For the birthday girl, how’s a Double Sailfish release sound for a present?

Great fish handling by First Mate Alex was the icing on the cake!
Captain William is known for squeezing every drop of action out of a fishing day, as proven by the nice Dorado and two more Sailfish scored at the end of the Engel’s outing.

That’s why the Wanderer is the King of Garza Bay!