June 14, 2013

Chuck Harris and his group of hard-fishin’ doctors are back in Nosara for a full week of heavy fishing. Their first trip on the Wanderer went splendidly with trophy fish released and the return of a favorite: BIG Yellowfin Tunas

They got off to a fast start at 9:30am with was a matched pair of Dorados estimated at 35lbs.

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The real action picked up in the afternoon with two Sailfish within minutes of each other.

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They also whacked two Yellowfun Tunas at 30lbs. and a monster 100lbs. beast that is certainly a welcome sight!
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The Good Doctors will be fishing all week and we can’t wait to see what is in store for these fellas.

June 13, 2013

Eric and Amy Anderson are part of our first class of Coastal Conservation Association anglers from North Carolina.
We have been honored to partner with CCA NC this season to send loads of great folks to Nosara from the Tar Heel State, and we look forward to seeing more of y’all real soon.
The fishing was a little slow, but Captain David persevered and delivers some excellent action on three half-days with Eric and Amy. Howabout we let Eric and Amy tell it:
“Wanted to send you both a quick note and let you know that my family and I really enjoyed our trip last week.ย  The service your staff provided was fantastic.ย  Everything from the airport transfers, the daily breakfast, car service to/from fishing, etc… was top notch.”
“Even though the fishing was a bit slow all week, I enjoyed my three full days with Capt. David on the Explorer.ย  He worked hard each day in an attempt to put together something.”ย 
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I was able to catch my first Rooster, as well as my first Sailfish.ย 
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Mixed in was a few Mahi, a nice Yellowfin Tuna, a real nice AJ, as well as a number of other species.
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David estimated the rooster at 25lbs., the Sailfish at 90lbs., and the AJ at roughly 45lbs.
Thank you again,
Eric & Amy Anderson

June 4, 2013

Dennis Paul and the Wanderer turned in a legendary performance on June 4: A Double Sailfish release backed up by a 250lbs. Striped Marlin release!

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That’s big even for this three-time Hall of Famer, who for this first time on this trip was joined by his girlfriend Barbara Dayhoff. These Clearwater, FL based anglers got of to a blazing start when the pair of Sailfish hunters hit the ballyhoos.

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This fight was intense and after a 20 minute battle they had overcome both Sails and brought them alongside for picture-perfect double release just after 1pm.

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The Wanderer continued to troll for a few hours when the brutal 250lbs. Striped Marlin came calling just before 4pm and Dennis was up to the task to bring her in.

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Another outstanding performance by Captain William, First Mate Alex and the mighty Wanderer as once again Dennis Paul etches his name into the Hall of Fame.

May 30, 2013

Client David Stone and his family booked the Wanderer and after a great week of inshore action the flagship got back to her bread and butter: patrolling the streets of Sailfish City!

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This mean Sailfish came calling early in the trip and put on a heck of a show on the way to a clean release. Estimated at 115lbs. this is a common-sized Sailfish for our area, however the second Sail of the day is a real monster.

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This beast put the crew, boat, and angler to the test but David Stone lived up to his rock-solid entomology in this battle.

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Safe released as always as we marvel at another great performance by the best boat in Garza the Wanderer!

May 29, 2013

Amazing achievement today on the Wanderer by client David Albert and his family… how about two Double Sailfish Releases on one trip!

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The first double release came at 11:50am as First Mate Alex performed this daring stunt with out injury to either the fish or the anglers. While this would be enough for most charter boats, Captain William is not your average charter captain.

He swung the Wanderer right back to where the first pair was discovered and sure enough found another pair of Sailfish just over one hour later.

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This second release was performed at 1:20pm after a 15 minute fight. Four fish in a hour is not the norm, but when an abnormally good bite is happen you know the Wanderer won’t be far away.

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May 27, 2013

Nathan Treueskis joined Captain Carlos on the Adventurer and this Hawaii-based angler brought along a little lady with some big fish-fightin’ skills! Check out this beautiful Pacific Sailfish release:

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Captain Carlos in on a tear this week with three Sailfish release in a five day span…that action supersedes all 23′-under boats in the bay and cements Carlos’ reputation as one of the baddest dudes on the ocean. Look out for more great action from the secret weapon this summer!

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May 25, 2013

The Adventurer has been pushed harder and performed better than we ever expected and the credit is 100% due to the fearless Captian Carlos. On May 25 with client Andrew the pocket knife challenged a big-ass Marlin to a fight and gave her everything she could handle.

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Though the fish broke off after about 30 minutes, we are convinced that it won’t be long till the powerful 23-footer conquers a big Marlin. As a consolation prize, they did manage to catch and release this beautiful Pacific Sailfish later in the day around 3:30pm

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Great action from Captain Carlos and the secret weapon Adventurer!

May 21, 2013

John Baumgart is a returning Hall of Famer who last year boated multiple Sailfish and one of the biggest Snappers ever caught here. This week he has three trips planned and got things started with an excellent Sailfish release on the Wanderer.

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Check out that old-school shirt. That is the first style we ever had (2008 I think) and it looks like it’s held up through a few fishing trips.

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Great start to the week for John; Stay tuned as this Florida-based anglers continues his marine onslaught.

May 21, 2013

Our good friend TJ Conrads is back in Nosara and he couldn’t help but get back out on the blue water for some big billfish hunting. Remember that TJ joined us in November 2012 and had a double sailfish release on the flagship Wanderer…this time TJ was flying solo and opted for Captain Carlos on the 23-foot Adventurer.

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We are pumped up to report that even on a smaller boat the results stayed the same as the master hunter released another Pacific Sail!

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“What a fight!” TJ commented later. We look forward to seeing TJ in the future…the Sailfish community may be less excited.