July 26, 2012

Adam Peacock brought the whole family along for a fish-filled trip on the mighty Wanderer. Citing the short 2.5hr timeframe and some tough offshore conditions, Captain William chose to keep the flagship inside on the very fruitful reefs at Pincha Padre.

This young lady scored first with a nice-sized Wahoo in the fishbox. Shortly thereafter came this little White Tuna which is every bit as tasty as it looks.

The highlight of the morning was this gigantic Amberjack which weighs at least 30lbs. This was Mrs. Peacock’s fish from the strike to the fight to the fishbox…you go girl!

Once again the Wanderer delivers a safe, fun fishing adventure for the whole family.


July 7, 2012

Dave Priddy followed up his Sailfish release with another two behemoths today. These fish came calling at 9:40 and 10:30 respectively, and neither one could match the mighty Wanderer with Dave on the reel.

The second fish was potentially a double-header but his hunting buddy escaped.

As the half-day trip came to a close they added this tasty Wahoo estimated to weigh between 12lbs. – 18lbs.

Great work all around by David Priddy and the flagship Wanderer.

May 25, 2012

Jake Winchester had a blast on the mighty Wanderer today with Captain William and First Mate Alex. He brought his buddies Jeff Maly and John Savage for the trip and all hands were needed right away. They headed offshore to troll for billfish and out of four chances manages to catch and release one bad Pacific Sail

They also added a Yellowfin Tuna to the fishbox and this teeny Wahoo.

This “Wee-hoo” has the same distinctive glowing tiger stripes as his bigger brethren and would have made for one tasty sandwich had the boys not thrown him back. Hopefully we’ll see him again next year when he weighs 80lbs.

March 25, 2012

Wahoo! The elusive silver bullet finally reared it’s head for a great bunch of clients. Patrick Moran breezed through Nosara specifically to do a bit of fish finding and he made the right choice in the 26 foot Super panga Explorer.

Most importantly Mr. Moran and his son got to share an excellent bonding experience on the blue Costa Rican water. Great trip all around!

January 20, 2011

The Wanderer lit it up today with a pair of great trips featuring a big Sailfish release and lots of fresh fish filets for our friends.

Mark and Melody Mukon booked a full 8 hour day on the big blue battlewagon and these Connecticut anglers were looking for billfish and meat for the cooler; frankly they got all they could handle!

The day got off to a slow start but the 1pm Sailfish bite has been on like clockwork this week and sure enough this mighty Pacific Sailfish challenged Mr. Mukon and the Wanderer to a fight.

Captain William spun the Wanderer into a position of power while Mark put a swift 15 minute beating on this billfish. First Mate Alex executed a perfect bill and release, and this monster swam away free and will be ready for another scrap soon.

That awesome fish turned out to be the plug in the dam because once it was released the Wanderer was beset on all sides by hungry Dorados. Perhaps they were lured in by Melody’s freshly-purchased Pink FishingNosara hat…hmmmmm that particular color of hat always seems to bring good luck to a boat.

The feeding frenzy that followed brought in four nice Mahi-Mahis ranging from 25lbs. to the 60lbs. whopper pictured with Captain William.

Melody and Mark Mukon added this feisty little Wahoo to the shopping cart just as they checked out from the fish market. They have two more full days of fishing planned this week…look out fish, the Mukon’s are just getting started!

November 24, 2011

November 24 capped off a week of icebreakers for FishingNosara; the Eldridge family got the season’s first Double header billfish release, next Craig Sutton released the first marlin of the season.

Then on the famous Wanderer clients Alyssa and Alexander Rose caught the first Wahoo of the season.

Captain William set the blue beauty aside a school of spinning porpoises and after catching two small Bonitas the singing of the reel let it be known that a big missle of a fish was on the hook.

Wahoo are extremely fast and hard striking game, and pound for pound they fight just as hard as a Marlin. Catching a silver bullet like this one is so small feat…congratulations to Alyssa Rose and her group on this great catch.

May 3, 2011

However, May 3 was a new day and client Sam Dobson and his girlfriend brought in the kind of catches we are all used to seeing on the Explorer. They stayed inshore and got the decks bloody early with a nice Rainbow Runner and a beefy Yellowfin Tuna.

They capped off the day with some offshore hustling and caught a ridiculously huge 70lbs Wahoo. Known as mini-Marlins in some circles, the Wahoo is a powerful fighter who pound-for-pound is just as formidable a foe as a billfish.

April 23, 2011

On April 19, Dan Enki was with Captain Eduardo on the legendary Nice n’ Tight and had some great action inshore. He caught a sweet Dorado and a 10lbs. Ponpano as well. Great fishing on a half-day trip.

Since then clients Richard, Stephen, andย  Shelbi had a magnificent day fishing on the Nice n’ Tight. First they got a nice Wahoo and a beautiful Yellowfin tuna.

Then they capped off the trip with this fantastic Sailfish release. Great work by Captain Eduardo and the Nice n’ Tight.

January 29, 2011

Captain Craig Sutton, US Representative of FishingNosara, invited Matty and longtime Nosara client David Leibowitz for a day-long Wahoo hunt off the Atlantic Ledge east of Jacksonville, FL.

Without trusty First Mate Carl Schmidt, Craig took care of the gaff while calling on David to reel up the monsters and Matty to handle the boat. Though not the most seasoned crew the Fishtastic has ever seen, they got the job done to the tune of four big Wahoos.

We used our specialty Wahoo spread that includes skirted bonita strips, planer/spoon combo, and the infamous Cedar plug.

Rest assured that when we are not fishing in Costa Rica, the FishingNosara team is constantly engaging in this kind of “corporate field research”. Pura Vida!

LATE ADDITION: Jack wanted to get his bit in, so check out this awesome King Mackeral from August 2010. Captain Jack and his boat Drifter II are legendary in Northeast Florida much like his babies the Wanderer and Explorer are in Garza.