December 24, 2012

Hugh Jessiman brought his family aboard the Wanderer for a fun family day on the water. It wasn’t long before the line popped off and the fight was on!

Christmas came early in the form of a beautiful billfish. Estimated at 85lbs., this Pacific Sailfish was cleanly released after a 15 minute fight.

Hey Mom, you’re blocking the picture!

Much better! Excellent fish by the Jessiman crew and another outstanding performance by the mighty Wanderer

December 23, 2012

Lisa Daigh and her buddies kept the good times rollin’ on the Wanderer as Captain William put them out in front of two 90lbs. Pacific Sailfish.

Once again the big blue beauty would not be bested as both fish were safely caught and released.

The Sails have been thick this week and we anticipate that the bite should stay strong well past Christmas. Hold on tight!

December 21, 2012

Becky and Andy Hogan just won’t give these fish a break! After shattering expectations with her six billfish release day on the Wanderer, she and her group were back on the blue bomber for another run at the offshore game.

Young Andy just graduated from Med School and is about to begin his internship, and on this fishing day the waiting room was stacked up with Dorados. These Northeast Floridians put three in the box with the largest tipping the scales over 30lb.

They also hooked up a 90lbs. Pacific Sailfish and once again released her after a vigorous 15 minute battle. Andy already fulfilled his bucket list with the Sailfish and Marlin releases on the 18th, so when this beast came calling he felt confident in performing the release himself.

From hoping to see a billfish to handling a release…that’s quite a turnaround in only 3 days. Incredible fishing performances by Becky Hogan, Andy, and the mighty Wanderer.

December 18, 2012

Becky Hogan is famous in Jacksonville for running the legendary charter vessel The Mayport Princess, but her performance on the Wanderer stands out as one of the great fishing feats our team has ever witnessed. Along with her family and the crew, Ms. Hogan laid the smack down on a whole mess of Pacific billfish.

Topping the scorecard is two massive Marlin releases, both Stripeys and both bad to the bone.

Between Marlin bouts Becky also suplexed four Pacific Sailfish including a awe-inspiring Double Sailfish Release.

Amazing work by First Mate Alex to safely handle and release all of these wonderful billfish.

Now don’t  go thinking that these anglers went away hungry…Becky and the boys backed up the trophy releases with seven Dorados ranging between 20lbs. – 30lbs.

That’s a legendary performance from a legendary Jacksonville angler!

December 15, 2012

John Calderaro returned to the Wanderer on December 15 and performed even better than his first trip. The highlight of the day was a pair of Sailfish releases estimated to weigh 80lbs. and 90lbs.

There was more than just trophy releases going on; this group backed up the sails with three Dorados in the 20lbs. – 30lbs. range.

Mr. Calderaro is on a fishin’ mission and he shows no sign of letting up on these pacific ocean monsters. Great work by Garza’s best battlewagon the Wanderer!

December 13, 2012

Mike Pearce had a wonderful afternoon half-day on the Wanderer and pulled off a double whammy: one fish for the trophy case and one for the dinner table!

This 100+lbs. Sailfish represents the day’s trophy, while this respectable 35lbs. Dorado should keep the whole group fed for the week and then some.

Great work by the flagship Wanderer and the unbeatable Captain William.

December 12, 2012

Henry Martinez had a huge day of offshore bill collecting on the famous Wanderer. Captain William felt that the blue water would yield big bills and pointed the blue beauty offshore.

The first big Sailfish tore up three baits before finally finding the hook, and an excited Mr. Martinez reeled her in like an old pro.

An additional big Sail came calling around 10:30 and the mighty Wanderer stood tall, notching another release to the scorecard.

By the time the final two Sailfish came in, Henry showed the confidence of an experienced deckhand by not just catching the fish, but also billing and releasing her. Under First Mate Alex’ supervision Henry released the fourth and final two sailfish of the trip.

Excellent fishing by this New Jersey-based angler!

December 11, 2012

Dr. Michelle Sanor had a full day trip on the Wanderer that stands out as the best single trip of the season so far. Her group of Oklahoma anglers released a Marlin and a Sailfish, plus added  30lbs. Dorado for the dinner table.

The Sailfish was the first hit of the day, coming around 10:30am. This beauty came alongside after a 20 minute fight and First Mate Alex safe released her as always.

The billfish bite tend to turn off between noon and 1:30pm, so the wise Captain William switched up the baits to target the medium-sized Dorado that have stacking up in our stretch of ocean. Sure enough they got dinner squared away with this 30lbs. Dorado in the boat around 1:15pm.

There is an old saying: ” The longer you fish, the more you will catch.” This seemingly simple axiom was proven in the second half of the Sanor group’s day on the water, when just after 3pm something MASSIVE hit a ballyhoo and gulped the hook.

After a brief but breathtaking battle this behemoth bellied up to the boat. Estimated by Alex to weigh 300+lbs., this Blue Marlin is a devastating hunter and a true fish of a lifetime.

Alex executed a safe revival and release and we are proud to report that this monster swam away unharmed and will be back for more someday soon.

Once again the mighty Wanderer with Captain William and First Mate Alex proves why she is the best boat in the bay, and maybe in all of Costa Rica.

December 9, 2012

Judith Cristchell and her friends enjoyed a picturesque sunset cruise on the spacious Wanderer. These quick 2.5 hour trips are just right to take in the vistas and watch dolphins mingle with lazy turtles;

All that, plus these guys and gals also had some fine action on the reels!

These feisty Jack Crevelles couldn’t resist the Planer / Spoon rig and they lined up to pile into the fishbox. Looks like everyone was pumped up to get some fish in the boat.

Well almost everyone!

All smiles on another memorable and productive sunset cruise on the flagship Wanderer.