August 18, 2021

Theย Wanderer delivered the fish of a lifetime to Heidi O’Calligan on the 18th. Check out this amazing Marlin release:

Jim O’Calligan added a near-floor sweeper Dorado for the dinner table.

The group also bested this high-flying Sailfish. Another great release.

“I was most pleased to take the traditional celebratory dunk in celebration of my FIRST BLUE MARLIN!!!” Heidi wrote on Facebook. “Captain Rick Ryals did the honors! AND I caught and released ANOTHER BIG SAILFISH today too, #6!!! Needless to say I am sore from head to toe and I’m sporting some pretty impressive fisherman’s bruises. I’ll take them any day!!”

August 12, 2021

Master Captain William pulled-off a great ‘slump-buster’ trip on August 12 with Paul Brannan’s group scoring TWO Blue Marlins!

This first one spit the hook after a long fight and swam off defiant. The next Blue Marlin was reeled all the way in for a live release by Mate Elias.

Throughout the day they also nabbed Yellowfin Tunas of varying sizes…check out the photo above to see Mate Elias fileting one of the bigger Yella Fellas for and onboard sushi feast.