January 5, 2018

The Wanderer delivered a great inshore experience for the Christine Franz group on January 5. First order of business was to acquire live-bait, and this 5lbs. Bonita fit the bill perfectly.

This morsel was re-hooked and sent to the bottom, where it was inhaled by this beautiful Rooster Fish:

Safe released as always, this tactic proves again why Captain William is a true master!

January 1, 2017

One of our favorite anglers Leah Merryfield helped the Wanderer ring in the New Year with a great day of action on January 1.

Captain William found this big Dorado lurking offshore, and Miss Merryfield was they to land this monster.

Mate Johnny had his work cut out for him to filet this big green beast.

With dinner on ice, Mike battled a big Sailfish all the way in for the release.

Filets for the table and another trophy release for the scrapbook…that’s a perfect day of fishing to kick off 2018.