May 25, 2012

Jake Winchester had a blast on the mighty Wanderer today with Captain William and First Mate Alex. He brought his buddies Jeff Maly and John Savage for the trip and all hands were needed right away. They headed offshore to troll for billfish and out of four chances manages to catch and release one bad Pacific Sail

They also added a Yellowfin Tuna to the fishbox and this teeny Wahoo.

This “Wee-hoo” has the same distinctive glowing tiger stripes as his bigger brethren and would have made for one tasty sandwich had the boys not thrown him back. Hopefully we’ll see him again next year when he weighs 80lbs.

May 23, 2012

Steve Creasey will just not let up on these fish! After turning in two Hall of Fame performances in as many days, Mr. Creasey came back down to Earth with a normal fishing day…however ‘normal’ down here is still a world-class day anywhere else.

This Clearwater, FL angler added two more Pacific Sailfish releases to his scorecard plus added a trio of beefy Yellowfin Tunas to the fishbox.

Steve is set to finish his fishing vacation with Captain David on the Explorer after this excellent send-off for the Wanderer. Stay tuned!

May 23, 2012

Craig and Paula were at it again, joining Captain David and the legendary Explorer on the afternoon of May 23 for an inshore harvest. They got things off to a quick start with three nice Yellowfin tunas weighing over 30lb. a piece.

Then they drifted over the fruitful reef at Pincha Padre and pulled up this interesting Mullet Snapper, estimated to weigh 12 delicious pounds.

Great late-day action by the Explorer, a boat that catches fish rain or shine, early or late.

May 22, 2012

Craig Sutton and the lovely Georgia peach Paula are in town this week celebrating their 3rd anniversary. Hard to believe it’s only been three years since Paula came along and taught Craig how to fish, but today’s catches on the Explorer were a tasty reminder of Paula’s angling prowess.

Craig showed his stuff in the form of a beautiful 50lbs. Dorado to start off the half-day with Captain David, but Paula brought the house down by catching a dinosaur of a Cubera Snapper.

They also added another mighty Cubera that was almost as big as the first. Great catches by the US Representative for FishingNosara and his fishing instructor Ms. Paula.

May 22, 2012

Ron and Elaine Schurr are the most recent in a long line of Jacksonville anglers who have found success on the mighty Wanderer. It feels like the blue beauty can sense when her passengers hail from her former port of call.

Captain William put these fine folks over a nice bite of Dorado and they came home with about 25 pounds of tasty Mahi Mahi filets.

The Schurr’s have a date with the Explorer and hopefully we’ll have another great report from this First Coast fishing duo. 

May 21, 2012

After racking the biggest Cubera Snapper of the season over on the Explorer, Steve Creasey turned in another Hall of Fame – worthy performance on the mighty Wanderer. This Clearwater, FL based angler had five Sailfish in the spread and ended up releasing four of the mighty beasts.

The first three fish came calling all at once, and it took careful coordination between First Mate Alex in the cockpit and Captain William on the wheel to keep the three billfish from tangling.

Steve kept his cool and all three fish were no match for this crew. All billfish were safe released as always. 

He ended up the day with an additional Sailfish release and a tasty Dorado for the dinner table.

Steve is fired up and that spells trouble for the local marine population…he is only half-way through his fishing adventure and already has claimed two spots in the FishingNosara Hall of Fame. God knows what he has in store for the rest of the week. Stay tuned!

May 20, 2012

Incredible Cubera Snapper catch for client Steve Creasey on the legendary Explorer!

This big red Buick took every ounce of Steve’s strength and almost every inch of line until it finally surfaced.

Kind of makes you forget about Red Snapper closures back in Clearwater, huh Steve?

Captain David kept Mr. Creasey on the fish for the duration of the five hour trip, adding a Cierro Mackerall and three Dorados to the scorecard. Steve has another half day booked with Captain David as well as two full days with Captain William on the Wanderer.

Certainly a great start a week of fishing, but is it worthy of the Hall of Fame? Well it’s a no-brainer when the fish is as tall and as wide as the Captain. Welcome to the hallowed hall Steve Creasey!

May 16, 2012

Today was  a very productive half day outing for Jeff Saint on the nimble new Adventurer. They set up shop just outside of Garza Bay and found fertile fishing grounds over a piece of floating debris.

Jeff pulled five Dorados and eight Bonitas from under the driftwood and then Captain Carlos took them a little further inshore and deployed a scaled-down version of the devastating Planer / Spoon rig (see right side of photo). This tasty Jack Crevelle was the result.

Captain Carlos is a hungry fisherman who squeezes every drop of action out of his fishing days. Another great wall-to-wall report from the hard-charging Adventurer.

May 15, 2012

May 15 was a tough day on the Wanderer. Client James Cash and his group are in town for multiple days of fishing which is a good thing because the water conditions for their first trip were less than stellar.

This 10lbs. Dorado was the only viable catch of the day, and from the picture you can see why. Those dark clouds onshore were pouring fresh water down the mountain which pushed the blue water far out to sea. This influx of new water wrecks havoc on the fishery.

Still the Wanderer showed her “Never Surrender” attitude by getting at least one fish in the box. Let’s hope for better action for Mr. Cash and his posse this week.