May 7, 2012

Team Harris wore them out again today on the mighty Wanderer with a GIGANTIC Marlin release! This Blue beastie is conservatively estimated to weigh 375lbs., though since we left her in the water it’s all a guess.

What an incredible run these fellas are on! This is their second Marlin in two days and they have more hunting planned this week. Stay tuned for some more great catches from these anglers.

May 6, 2012

Marlin Alert! The mighty Wanderer and Hall of Famer Chuck Harris captured one of the meanest Blue Marlin of the season. This 350+lbs. brute mugged the spread until First Mate Alex deftly brought the circle hook home.

Captain William backed the beast down while Chuck won back line at a steady pace. After a vigorous 20 minute battle they had this big girl alongside for the release.

Another safe Marlin release for the Wanderer and a true fish of a lifetime for Florida angler Chuck Harris.

May 5, 2012

Another great day for the Explorer on May 5. Captain David led these clients to a nice bite of fish highlighted by this excellent Sailfish. Look at the colors on this beauty:

The group also put a trio of Dorados in the fishbox ensuring big smiles and full bellies. Very fruitful half-day trip on the Super Panga Explorer.

May 5, 2012

Hall of Famers Chuck Harris and Rick Blackburn have planned multiple days of fishing on the Wanderer. On their first day they opted for good-eating fish so Captain William chased down a large school of big Yellowfin Tunas. Check out these monsters:

Mr. Harris and his pal Dave Wesmoss have booked the Wanderer and Explorer solid this whole week. It will be exciting to see what they pull in as they grow more seasoned to Costa Rican fishing by the day. With all these tasty Yella Fellas, they will certainly be well fed for the week!

May 5, 2012

Another fantastic catch at the river mouth by Senior Javier Hernandez aka Rey Robalo (The Snook King). This monster was caught on a DOA 3″ Jerktail on a Penn 460 Spinner. This rig has been el Jefe’s weapon of choice the last few months and it has been very effective.

El Jefe is very busy as the GM of Nosara Paradise Rentals, but he always ready to lead a river fishing tour and teach the craft of Costa Rican freshwater fishing.

Javier is active in Fundacion Pescadores Nosara Fupperno.

This local fishing club is organizing Nosara’s first ever Catch and Release Snook Tournament.

Check out the links and keep an eye on the FishingNosara blog for more updates.

May 3, 2012

Scott Anderson booked the legendary Explorer on May 3 for an afternoon half day with excellent results. Captain David put the fiery Super Panga on the temperature break and they quickly brought in two Bonitas on the planer/spoon rig for use as strip bait.

Like clockwork at 1pm a hungry Sailfish couldn’t resist the fresh bonita strip skirted with a blue/pink C + H Lure.

Excellent release by Mate Carlos to ensure the safety of both fish and angler alike.

May 2, 2012

Garza was humming with energy on the morning of May 2 as FishingNosara joined some other area boats in welcoming 32 yoga students from the Yoga Shelter for a Marine Nature tour.

The FishingNosara flagship Wanderer led the way offshore for local boats Sportsman, High Roller, and Aimee Marie.  After seeing birds, turtles, dolphins, and other aquatic life the Yogis decided to take a peek beneath the waves.

Rain was falling on land but the conditions in San Juanillo Bay were perfect for snorkeling. The water was crystal blue and the current was not an issue. Looks like everyone took advantage of the opportunity to take the plunge…except this bird who decided to stay high and dry.

In the end it was a fun day all around. Nice job by the other area boats and by the Guiones Beach Transportation staff in their perfect execution of getting 30+ folks to and from Garza.

April 29, 2012

The Wanderer welcomed Mr. John Keep for a half-day excursion to the blue water and although the action was a little slow, this group persevered. They had one Sailfish in the spread early in the day and released him at 9:03am.

Careful with that tattoo…while it is a sweet looking Yellowfin Tuna, to the Sailfish it looks like breakfast!

The rest of the trip would prove slow, with only one Sailfish raised and no more releases. Still these clients had a great time and have the memory of a fantastic Sailfish release.