July 27, 2011

Captain David of the Explorer is one of the most well-rounded boatmen that Garza has ever seen. As a lifelong resident of the area and close friend/family to all of the other Captains, this man was literally born to fish these waters.

David joined his brother Vibert Wingrove for a charter on the Secret Spot and served as a top-notch first mate. Despite some threatening weather and choppy seas, they still had a bunch of action. Check out this excellent Rooster fish they delivered for the clients:

Great fishing (and photos) by Captain Vibert Wingrove and excellent work by David Barrantes!

July 22, 2011

Our good buddy and Guiones Beach neighbor Ron LaGro was back on the Wanderer for his fifth trip of the season, and once again Captain William and First Mate Alex had the big blue beauty on the fish with rods bent.

The action was fierce early in the day with eight Bonitas in the boat. Ron also caught a big green Dorado for the dinner table and lost a massive Yellowfin Tuna right at the boat.

They also saw lots of whales and finally headed back in with dinner in the bag and another great day of fishing behind them.

July 20, 2011

On July 20 Captain William and the Wanderer welcomed a group from the local hotel Tierra Magnifica for a morning trip to the inshore reefs. They had some excellent action highlighted by a 40lbs. Cubera Snapper.

They also put four Bonitas and a football sized Yellowfin Tuna in the fishbox before calling it an early day and heading in.

Offshore or inshore, the Wanderer always catches fish and keeps clients satisfied.

July 14, 2011

Captain David and the Explorer have made their reputation by disproving assumed notions about what a 26-foot Super Panga can do. Today with client Christopher Granda from South Tampa aboard, Captain David once again gave notice to doubters that the Explorer is a true world-class sportfishing vessel.

They started inshore to pick up some Bonitas for bait and Christopher brought in this excellent Ponpano. An excellent tasting fish, this particular Ponpano is one of the biggest we’ve caught this season.

Things got serious as Captain David pushed offshore away from the torrential rains bearing down the mountain. He put out a modified high-speed lure setup and almost immediately this beefy Dorado gulped down a bonita strip with a 9/0 hook on the side. A quick fight and this 40lbs. Dorado was headed for the dinner table.

Captain David got the spread back out and after a little more trolling a curious Sailfish came along whacking at the teaser. On the way back to rob the long baits, this Sailfish fell for a pitched ballyhoo with Captain David on the other end expertly setting the circle hook. The fight was on but this fish was no match for Chris Granda on the reel. Twenty minutes after hook-up this Sailfish was safely released.

Great end to a fine day of fishing by Captain David and Chris Granda!

July 13, 2011

FishingNosara was pleased to welcome back Greg Vetto from and his friends for an afternoon of fishing on the Explorer with Captain David. A few years ago Mr. Vetto was one of the first clients to fish on the Wanderer and a reunion with Captain David spelled trouble for the inshore reef fish.

Greg and his posse knocked out several nice Yellowfin on a short three-hour trip. It may have been pouring rain on shore, but on the Explorer it has been raining Yellowfin Tuna. Great work Captain David!

July 12, 2011

Traditional wisdom says that this time of year the fishing is all but finished in Costa Rica, the Captains and crew of FishingNosara are pioneering a new school of thought. For instance the Explorer had an excellent trip today with Captain David reportingย  three Yellowfin Tunas, a Macarela and a nice Yellowtail snapper in the fishbox.

Captain William and the Wanderer had a fantastic day of offshore billfish scores and inshore Yella fella catches for client Gerald Wyles and his group.
They released four Sailfish including a Double header plus added ten nice Yellowfin Tunas for the dinner table.
Great work by both boats…proving that the fishing in Costa Rica doesn’t cool off until the rains come in early September.

July 10, 2011

This last month has been one of FishingNosara’s busiest to date and the Yellowfin Tuna are chewing the bottom out of the boats. Captain David welcomed client Ronny Marchena aboard the Explorer for a quick 3 hour trip.

How’s that for three hours of fishing? Captain David didn’t waste any time getting on the fish and Ronny reeled in a full dozen Yellowfin Tunas. Great work by the Explorer… it’ s not everyday you average a fish every 15 minutes!

July 9, 2011

Geoff and Bob Birtalan capped off their amazing week of fishing in Nosara with more great Sailfish releases and a Yellowfin Tuna that can easily be called one of the biggest of the season.

As in the previous few days, Captain William took the Wanderer offshore into the blue water alley holding swarms of massive Pacific Sails. Once again the Birtalan gang hooked up two of these amazing monsters, and as always both fish were safely released.

Later on the half-day trip they met up with a MASSIVE 120+lbs. Yellowfin Tuna and after a vigorous 45-minute battle they successfully put this monster in the fishbox.

Too bad these guys are leaving today because that is a LOT of sushi. I’m sure that folks all around Garza and Nosara Paradise Rentals are chowing down on this lovely fish at this very moment. We look forward to seeing Geoff at the 31st Annual Greater Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament this weekend and hear some great fishing stories first hand.

Great work by Future Hall of Famers Bob and Geoff Birtalan and the Wanderer on a great week of fishing!

July 8, 2011

Robert and Geoff Birtalan delivered a Hall of Fame performance on a fantastic 5 hrs fishing trip on the Wanderer. They had 8 Sailfish come tearing through the spread throughout the day and successfully caught and released five of these beautiful behemoths.

The highlight was this awesome Double Release; excellent work by First Mate Alex to ensure the safety of the fish, crew, boat and anglers.

All of this billfish releasing will work up an appetite, so Mr. Birtalan also brought home this tasty 15lbs. Dorado.

July 7, 2011

More great billfish action from the Wanderer with clients Bob and Geoff Birtalan of Jacksonville. They followed up their Sailfish release from yesterday with three more successful releases. These guys know what to do when big fish come calling!

Over on the Explorer client Guy Valente caught a nice Yellowfin Tuna and and ten meaty Black Tunas with Captain David. Great results for just 2.5 hours on the water.