January 6, 2014

Brandon Leon enlisted the Adventurer for and inshore fish hunt and pulled in some real monsters. The highlight was this monsterous Amberjack. This is the largest AJ ever caught on the Adventurer, but we say all the time “Big fish don’t care how big your boat is!”

They also followed up with a big Yellowfin Tuna and a very nice Cubera Snapper.

Once again Captain Carlos delivers great action for his anglers…fantastic work by the 23-foot pocket knife.

December 27, 2013

The Adventurer welcomed Sue Battis and her group today and got a nice bit of good-eatin’ fish.

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This big Dorado is the scale-tipper of the day, but the smaller Wahoo caught later in the trip is probably the best tasting; when they are in the 10-30lbs. range is when silver bullets yield the best meat.

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Nice job by Captain Carlos and the 23-foot switchblade.

December 23, 2013

Amazing news from the Adventurer!

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Captain Carlos reports the first Sailfish release of the year for the 23-foot switchblade, and this trophy caught by client David Carroll is arguably the largest Sail of the season so far.

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Notice the glassy calm of the water so close in shore? This means that there is nothing to deter the big bluewater pelagic close enough to shore for the wiley Adventurer to strike.

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After a safe release by Captain Carlos, these Maryland-based anglers brought home some dinner in the form of two meaty Dorados.

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All around perfect day for the up-and-coming Captain Carlos and the Adventurer.

July 24, 2013

Big news from the Adventurer! The little boat that no one saw coming just racked her first Wahoo. One of the hardest-fighting and elusive non-billfish species in our area, these silver bullets were caught by none other than newly-minted FishingNosara Hall of Famer Travis Picariello.

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Why settle for one when you can have two?

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This excellent performance underscores what we have always said down here: right boat + right tackle + right Captain = Great results for our clients. Wonderful day by Travis Picariello and the unstoppable Captain Carlos.