Doc Hatton, Dennis Shanahan, Fred Lewis and Rick Downing had a great day with huge results on the mega panga Harvester. The day started with a true fish-of-a-lifetime…take a gander at this awesome Blue Marlin:

Great fish handling by Mate Kevin to ensure the safety of both fish and anglers. After the safe release, Captain Alex criss-crossed the area hoping to find more fired-up billfish.

After an hour of trolling a second bad Blue Marlin took the hook.


Another great release by the Mega Panga!

Captain Alex kept his foot on the gas as Team Hatton knocked-out a pair of high-flying Sailfish releases to end the day.

This one broke off the leader right next to the boat, but what an amazing display of above-the-water combat.

This release brought to a close a crazy day of action the the mighty Harvester.