She had a very special group with her this time: her family! The posse consisted of son Daniel, daughter Brooke, daughter-in-law Maria Yetty, and several of her grandkids visiting from the United States for Thanksgiving.

“Ever see a 15 year old kid who says he never caught anything trolling on the end of a mean Sail?” writes Richmond. “It was great.”
Awesome release by Oliver and Zeke Sheilds-Wald!

The Phipps posse released this Sailfish and lost a big Yellowfin tuna on the first day. On their second trip the group stayed inshore and had an absolute feeding frenzy on their hands. Maria Yetty was the hot rod catching several tasty White tunas.

The big fish was this 20lbs. Amberjack, but they backed that catch up with a total of four White Tunas, five Jack Crevalles and a pair of nice Bonitas.