November 28, 2014

The Discoverer has been on a billfish-battling mission this month and on November 28 welcomed Al Santiesteban’s family along with Craig Sutton and Danny ‘Shake n Bake’ Baker for a great trip offshore.

They conquered five Pacific Sailfish, then turned their attention inshore where they bested a nice Dorado and a beefy Amberjack:

Great work all around from the crew of the battleship Discoverer!

August 21, 2011

Craig Sutton and Danny “Shake and Bake” Baker were honored to welcome Lifetime FishingNosara Hall of Famer Señorita Richmond Phipps to the Wanderer for an excellent trip that covered the entire fishery both offshore and inshore. Sra. Phipps got things going early and taught the boys exactly how Costa Rica billfishing is done.

They obviously learned a thing or two because Danny followed up Richmond’s catch with a beautiful Sailfish of his own.

As the day wore on the Wanderer proceeded inshore to see what tasty morsels they could pull off the reef. Craig and Danny bent a few rods and piled the fishbox with a Yellow Tail Snapper and a Gilguero Snapper.

Great work by a true FishingNosara legend, the one-and-only Richmond Phipps!

August 19, 2011

On August 19 US Representative for FishingNosara Craig Sutton was on the Wanderer for an afternoon billfish hunt with Captain William and First Mate Alex. Joined by Danny Baker of Virginia Beach, they started off with a nice-sized Dorado (about 30lbs.) and then started raising Sailfish left and right. Out of nine potential strikes the boys managed to catch and release three beautiful Sailfish.