December 1, 2015

Eric Dixon found a new way to challenge himself after his blistering tear of Marlin releases…how does fighting Pacific Sailfish on spinning rod with 20lbs. line sound for a challenge?

Mr. Dixon accomplished just that not once, but twice on December 1st on the Discoverer.

Fighting fish like this with ultra-light tackle from a dead-drift takes a light touch and a lot of skill, no doubt developed by Eric in the rivers around his home in Colorado.

Great accomplishment by Eric Dixon and the Discoverer.

November 29, 2015

After mastering trophy billfish releases on the 28th, Eric Dixon and the big battleship Discoverer turned their attention to the dinner table with several super-sized Yellowfin Tunas on ice.

The Yella Fellas have been thick this month and although none of these top Wayne Estes’ monster from earlier this week, these catches combined make for the biggest total haul of tasty filets we’ve seen so far this season.

They also added another Sailfish release to the scorecard later in the trip:

Great work by Captain Carlos and the unstoppable Eric Dixon.

November 28, 2015

Eric Dixon continues his dominance of the blue water with a monstrous Marline release reported on November 28 by Captain Carlos on the Discoverer.

Estimated at 250lbs.-300lbs., this beast was safely released by Mate Juan Carlos so we expect to catch her again once she gets even bigger.

Later in the day the Dixon boys pulled of an awesome Double Sailfish release, once again featuring expert fish-handling by Juan Carlos.