December 27, 2013

The Adventurer welcomed Sue Battis and her group today and got a nice bit of good-eatin’ fish.

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This big Dorado is the scale-tipper of the day, but the smaller Wahoo caught later in the trip is probably the best tasting; when they are in the 10-30lbs. range is when silver bullets yield the best meat.

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Nice job by Captain Carlos and the 23-foot switchblade.

December 27, 2013

John Hicks and his posse had a huge day on the Wanderer with big catches of Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna punctuated by a swarm of Sailfish releases.

First Mate Alex stocked the baitwell with live mullet and Captain William set course for Sailfish City.

In total this group tallied four big Sailfish releases.

A welcome suprise to our fishery recently are the ever-growing Yellowfin Tuna. Usually the Yella Fellas are scarce until March, but this year they are early.

Excellent day of multi-species action for the John Hicks group.

December 27, 2013

The blue water has moved extremely close to shore this week to the delight of our holiday anglers. Check out these blue water specimens caught less than 5 miles from shore:

This is why fishing in our area is the best bang-for-your-buck fishing in the world…most boats have a 40+ mile trip to find these monsters, while here in Garza they are in the front yard.

December 26, 2013

The Cooper Family had a fantastic fishing day on the Explorer with Captain David and Mate Kevin.

Mr. Cooper kicked off the action with a nice Dorado catch.

Thing really heated up in the afternoon as the Explorer was beset by wave after wave of Sailfish strikes.

Sarah Cooper scored this mammoth release, but right on the heels of this fish swimming away Jessica nabbed one of her own. These were the first Sailfish for each of these ladies, but they bested the beasts with the precision of old pros.

Mate Kevin saw to the safe releases as Captain David stayed one step ahead of these rocket ships. Great day of action on the super panga!

December 24, 2013

Jeff Allen and his buddy started the first of their two days on fishing on the Wanderer with a BANG! When you get on board and First Mate Alex has the lures lined up like rifle shells you know that something big is bound to happen.

Double Sailfish release less than an hour into the trip!

After the safe releases these boys would go on to put a pair of Dorados on ice for the dinner table.

Excellent trip by the boat that always comes out swinging!

December 24, 2013

David Pippins’ boys hail from the heart of Jacksonville, FL and they turned in a very productive half-day on the Super Panga Explorer with Captain David. They boated a pair of thick Dorados, then backed it up with a smaller duo of Yellowfin Tuna.

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Great work by the barroom brawler and these boys from our backyard!

December 23, 2013

Amazing news from the Adventurer!

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Captain Carlos reports the first Sailfish release of the year for the 23-foot switchblade, and this trophy caught by client David Carroll is arguably the largest Sail of the season so far.

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Notice the glassy calm of the water so close in shore? This means that there is nothing to deter the big bluewater pelagic close enough to shore for the wiley Adventurer to strike.

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After a safe release by Captain Carlos, these Maryland-based anglers brought home some dinner in the form of two meaty Dorados.

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All around perfect day for the up-and-coming Captain Carlos and the Adventurer.

December 21, 2013

Matt and Kim Lowe brought their family down to Nosara and enjoyed some excellent fishing action on the Wanderer. You know it’s going to be  a nice trip when it starts off with a double Sailfish hookup.

Next up was a meaty Dorado snared by Matt Lowe. It’s awesome to see the kids get involved in the action…check out this beast!

 The highlight of the trip was Mrs. Lowe releasing this awesome Blue Marlin.

This high-flyer was a real fighter but the combination of Captain William on the wheel and First Mate Alex on the billshot, it never had a chance.

Matt finished off the day with another great Sailfish release…this Alaska-based fishing family has got the billfish game all figured out.

“I wanted to let you know that we had an amazing time fishing on Saturday,” Kim wrote in an email. “The crew was amazing and the fishing was out of this world.”