September 29, 2022

Dan Johnson from Hatteras NC took friends Antonio Carrillo Carrillo, David Barrantes, and Diddier Gutierrez for a full day fishing on the

They caught 21 Red Groupers, two Congrios, one Dorado, and 20 Pochotes.

The whole crew and other guests enjoyed the catch prepared at Marlin Bill‘s Restaurant

September 26, 2022

You gotta love a guy like Tim Homa; he made the booking for his fishing trip in February 2020, just a month before Covid hit.

He waited for 31 months, never complaining or asking for his deposit back. Even though it’s the rainy season, the clouds held off long enough to get this trip in and the Discoverer was able to make that patience pay off.

Great story of perseverance and patience for these anglers.