The Harvester and angler Christian Roberts bested a very nice Yellowfin Tuna on June 3o. Looks tasty!
Tag: Harvester
June 29, 2022
Tim Buttler’s group scored the biggest Yellowfin Tuna of the season (so far) on June 29 with the Harvester reporting a 90+ lbs. monster.
Great work by Captain Wilson and the unstoppable Harvester.
June 26, 2022
After a slow period early in the week, the Harvester came on strong with a banner performance on June 26.
Texas angler David Hobbs’ group notched the scorecard with several BIG Yellowfin Tunas.
June 24, 2022
On June 24 the Harvester reported Yellowfin Tunas and multiple Dorados on ice. Nice work by David Hobbs’ group!
June 21, 2022
Oregon angler Bowe McGinnis performed brilliantly on June 21 with the Harvester; the highlight of the trip was this tricky Double Sailfish release:
They also scored a solo Sailfish release and brought home a nice Yellowfin Tuna for the dinner table.
June 20, 2022
Billy Slusser joined the Harvester on June 20 for a fun day offshore. This Sailfish release is a real beauty:
June 19, 2022
Aaron Revere returned to the Harvester and his son Teddy caught and released a nice Blue Marlin. Excellent work by Captain Wilson.
June 17, 2022
Mark Andrews nabbed a few small Dorados on June 17. Not the biggest fish, but they filet out all the same.
Small fish, but big smiles on the Harvester.
June 16, 2022
Kristin and Mike Anderson scored not one but TWO fish-of-a-lifetime on June 16. Check out these Marlin releases:
The Harvester is white-hot and delivering the goods for her clients.
June 11, 2022
Today was SO EPIC, it’s going to be in 2 posts!! Today was the first of 2 days we fished together with Lisa and Todd Tomsett. After trolling around a little while without a bite, we went to an area where yellowfin tuna were biting, Spinner dolphin and birds everywhere!!! What a sight for them to see!! It wasn’t long before the tuna bit.
Lisa was first up and brought in one that weighed approx 30 lb. What a fight for Lisa!!! She fought it like a BOSS!! Little did she know that this was going to be her warm up!! 😉 More about that in the next post!! Next up was Todd who caught a bigger yellowfin tuna weighing approximately 35 to 40 pounds. This was also going to be his warm up, little did he know!!! I’m not going to spill the beans about the next post but I’ll tell you it was even MORE EPIC than this!!! Seriously!! But that will happen tomorrow because I am absolutely toast and I’ve got to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a day off for us and we will all sleep in!!! In the meantime, please enjoy the pictures in this post. We had a beautiful day!!!
What’s a good word that goes beyond epic? This picture says it all!! On the Harvester with Captain Wilson and Mate Gerardo, two besties got a DOUBLE SAILFISH HOOKUP!!! Lisa is fighting her FIRST Sailfish!!!! She did a magnificent job!!! 💪 Her 30 lb yellowfin tuna was her warm up, giving her an idea what a big fish pull feels like, learning what the leader is and teaching her how to reel!! Being a strong ICU RN, she had no problem with the heavy tug!! Got it to the boat like a CHAMP!!! She released hers safely with the help of the mate and then it was my turn to bring mine in. Mine didn’t want to come in and jumped many times which was a lot of fun to see!! So a little while after we released ours, Another epic moment happened! While were watching the dolphins swimming alongside the boat, Todd and Jim got a double sailfish hook up too!!! The guys got theirs in and released theirs without a problem of course! WHAT A DAY!! 😃😃😃😃😃😃
Captain Wilson and mate Gerardo are amazing!! We each released a sail: Lisa’s was the biggest @90-95lb, it was her FIRST!!! Mine was 80-85 lb AND we were on together!! Best friends with a DOUBLE sailfish hookup!!!! How epic is THAT?!! Add to that, Jim and Todd had a DOUBLE sailfish hookup too, both 70-75 lb! I took the dunk in the pool with Lisa and Todd took the dunk for his first yellowfin tuna @ 35 lb and Lisa landed her first yellowfin tuna @ 30 lb!!!! Another EPIC DAY at Fishing Nosara!!! Pics to follow!👍😃