Feburary 14, 2015

Not saying that we are in cahoots with the fish, but if you buy a FishingNosara hat we might put in a good word for you!

Mike Hartley broke in his new FishingNosara Hat with this sweet Rooster fish release. There are many lures that will tempt a Rooster fish, but none as effective as the ‘new hat lure’

Seriously though, nice work by the Wanderer and Mike Hartley.

February 12, 2015

Captain Fico has the Adventurer dialed in and has been scoring a wide variety of inshore species for his clients.

On January 26 the 23-foot switchblade pried up this nice Yellowfin Tuna:

Tuna was on the menu again on February 3. Look at these nice Yella Fellas:

A beautiful score came on February 12 with an excellent Rooster fish release:

That same day he scored a nice pair of Tunas for the dinner table.

Great work by Captain Fico on the unbeatable Adventurer.

February 6, 2015

Brock Liebreich and his wife had a picture-perfect day of trophy fish releases on the Wanderer. They started out their full day trip with this wonderful Rooster Fish release less that 5 miles from shore:

Captain William then set offshore and found Sailfish City to be teeming with fired-up Sailfish.

They notched seven Sailfish releases throughout the trip. Check out this high-flyer:

The action stayed hot all afternoon long:

Great hunting by Captain William and excellent fish handling by First Mate Alex.

January 23, 2015

We got a great note from Becky once she got back to Florida:
“Cant wait to tell you all about the trip.ย  William and Alex will always be number one to us…..just way too much fun in a week!!ย  We finally captured the elusive rooster fish, the morning Andy was on his way to the airport….laughed about that!”

“Have some great underwater shots we took with the gopro too!ย  Total count for the week is 21 sails released (could have been more, but we targeted Marlin our last day with four teasers and one big lure…..no Marlin but no worries…….too much fun trying!)”ย 

“The second day we fished and released 10 sails (once again, if we wanted more it would have been no problem, but we wanted to enjoy one fish at a time because Alexa and Crystian had never done it).ย  We did reel up a double with Andy and Minton because we could!ย  Best family vacation ever!”

January 15, 2015

Doc Hatton and the boys stayed inshore today to hunt for the elusive Rooster Fish, and Captain William found the little cluckers and set the hooks to them.

The Penn Slammer drag creates an unfair advantage for the anglers against this kind of fish, and First Mate Alex had no trouble live releasing these Roosters.

Another day, another couple of bucket-list fish for the mighty Wanderer.

December 27, 2014

The flagship Wanderer tied her own record for Rooster Fish release with a whopping FIVE featherheads released in a single day. Vanessa Gallegos and her group were the beneficiaries of this landmark achievement and they report big fish and big smiles all around.

Captain William exploited a roiling boil of baitfish near to shore and First Mate Alex expertly selected the right hook size to isolate the big fish from the rest of the pack.

Great coordination between angler, mate and Captain meant that all of this beauties were released quickly and safely.

After the Gallegos family’s morning 5 hour trip, the Wanderer returned to shore to pick up Steven Cheung and his friends. They went right back to the feeding frenzy and scored another two Rooster fish releases.

Another day, another record for the mighty Wanderer.

December 26, 2014

The mighty Wanderer put on a show for two groups of clients on December 26. First up was this excellent pair of Rooster fish releases scored first thing in the morning by Leah Armstrong :

These safe releases were the highlight of the morning session, but the big blue beauty was barely getting started.


In the afternoon we welcomed a great returning client and his family.

Hendrick Engel started fishing with our team late last year, and this time he returned with wife Maria and his daughter who was celebrating her 16th birthday.

For the birthday girl, how’s a Double Sailfish release sound for a present?

Great fish handling by First Mate Alex was the icing on the cake!

Captain William is known for squeezing every drop of action out of a fishing day, as proven by the nice Dorado and two more Sailfish scored at the end of the Engel’s outing.

That’s why the Wanderer is the King of Garza Bay!