Tom Shipley and his family’s trip to Nosara is a classic fishing tale of patient triumph.
Tom, his son Tom Jr., and daughters Alyssa and Sara scheduled long days on the super panga and showed off their unbreakable South Florida fishing meddle.
On the first two trips they had some light action but nothing to get excited about: a few Bonitas and Jack Crevelles along with some mystery nibbles.
These South Florida anglers aren’t new to the game and understand that billfishing is as much an exercise in time investment than anything else.

There was a nice Sailfish release and a tasty Rainbow runner on the second trip, but these folks had their sights set on our most powerful species: BIG Marlin!
Their patience paid off on the third day when the dam broke loose and rained billfish on Team Shipley.

This bad Blue Marlin tore off a few baits before Mate Kevin found the sweet spot on the strike lever, and Tom Sr. was all set to bring in the fish of a lifetime.
The Explorer outmaneuvered this beast and they grabbed the leader five times…clearly a release no matter where you are fishing.
The action was just beginning as Tom Jr. stepped into the fray versus a high-flying sailfish.

These South Florida anglers really showed some grit on their three-day pursuit…still a small amount of time to invest for the fish of a lifetime!