Captain Carlos kept the pedel to the metal on the 17th, scoring Sailfish releases and a tasty Yellowfin tuna.
Tag: Sailfish
March 16, 2021
The Wanderer welcomed back Ken and Brenda Russell for another great campaign of Costa Rica fishing.
They were flanked by returning anglers Misti Nolan and Larry Komenda, plus first timers Laurie Cotton and Bert Brothers
On the 15th they nagged eleven Sailfish releases backed up by five Yellowfin Tunas and one small Dorado. Thanks to the Explorer for helping surround this baitpod and calling in the action.
March 16, 2021
On March 16, Ryan Pugh took his boys fishing on the Discoverer without the bright glare of the TV cameras.
They still performed like stars with Sailfish release backed up with several Dorados and Yellowfin Tunas.
March 15, 2021
Captain Alex posted a wonderful scorecard on the 15th, with over a dozen Sailfish releases.
Mate Wilson had his hands full safely handling and releasing these fish. All fully revived…no snatch releases here!
Angler Mike Loughrey performed brilliantly and was thrilled with the trip.
March 14, 2021
Nate Goldstein and his family had a wonderful day on the Discoverer on March 14. The highligh of the day was this sweet Marlin fight, captured on video from the tower by Captain Carlos.
This one got away, but a nice Pacfic Sailfish wasn’t so wily.
After the safe release, they also kept the rods bent with several Yellowfin Tunas.
“Carlos and Kevin were fantastic.” Nate wrote in an email. “Kept it moving for the kids, good and mellow vibe, great communication and forethought. Thank you for running a tight ship.”
March 14, 2021
On March 14, the Explorer welcomed Matthew Zebrowski for a fierce day of fishing action.
This Sailfish was a nice highlight. They also got away with a bunch of Yellowfin Tunas.
March 14, 2021
Don Dingman and the boys continued their battle on the 14th, this time with Captain William.
The Master Captain delivered the Sailfish releases, but also hunted down the tasty Yellowfin Tunas.
“Another epic day with Charlie & Jack- the tuna slayers… with a couple of sails in the mix too. Love this place.”
March 14, 2021
Captain Alex took the Harvester way offshore on the 14th, and Kevin Shimp’s family was ready for the long ride into battle.
Steve Shimp fought an active high-flyer, and then young Josie countered with a Sailfish release of her own.
Big Dorados and Yellowfin Tunas rounded out the haul.
Great work by these Southwest Florida anglers and the mega panga Harvester.
March 13, 2021
On March 13, Kevin Shimp and his family posted a banner day on the Harvester.
The Sailfish have been thick this month, and Captain Alex is always ready to deliver sweet Sailfish releses for his clients.
For the dinner table they also nagged a big Dorado, backed up by a smaller one. Here is Bailey with a 38 lb fish, caught with no adult help.
Great work by the mega panga and the Shimp family.
March 13, 2021
Hook the Future TV and Captain Don Dingman are back for more blue water action. This time they joined Captain Carlos on the Discoverer and took it offshore to Sailfish City.
“Epic day with awesome anglers Jack and Charlie! I’m so proud of these guys! 7 sails…. double headers…. cameras in their face and they absolutely rocked it!”
“Captain Carlos and Kevin put us in the bite! Can’t wait for tomorrow!”