December 12, 2021

The Wanderer and Jessica Geijer’s group had a big day on December 12. The fought big Blue Marlin for a brief time until it spit the hook.

Tough break, but the rest of the 6.5 hour trip was also full of action. This  Double Sailfish release was a real highlight.

They also nabbed a Dorado for the dinner table.

December 7, 2021

On December 7, Dan Johnson still recovering from rotator cuff surgery had his Best Day of Dorado fishing with friend Juan Carlos Gudiño and Anthony Joxcer.

Caught 21 big Gaffers, released a big Sailfish. They also had another Sailfish come in the spread to eat the teaser and had a Blue Marlin eat 4 of 5 pink squids and the back teaser and took off.

Afterwards, Captain William and Mate Ellis and their wives and other friends joined for dinner feast at Marlin Bill’s.